What Must We Give To Jesus To Receive His Blessings?
Eileen Renders
Often, as I grew in my faith, and relationship with Jesus, I became more aware of a sense of increasing love for God in a mutual manner. This awareness has come through to me with a clear understanding of blessings from God; protection and courage were at the forefront.
I no longer choose to hold back in sharing what I have learned throughout my 84 years on earth, especially how God wants our love. Ten months ago, I began writing these articles for www.Catholic365 to share with all who seek a deeper relationship with God.
Needless to say, there is not enough space in any particular article to articulate what I have been inspired and motivated to share. There is so much that I want to say and share. In my younger years, I kept all that God taught and shared with me to myself. It was personal and I treasured each moment with Him. As I grew in Spiritual maturity, my love for God came a long way. Today, I want only to help bring “Lukewarm” souls closer to God with a fervor in devotion to be pleasing to Him.
And I have shared all that I have learned, and been blessed with in my Spiritual books available on Amazon. I came to full maturity gradually in my relationship with Jesus, The knowledge to understand how very much our sins hurt our creator is difficult to imagine. Yet with true regret, and a promise to sin no more we are forgiven!
After many years of going through surgeries, and managing all my health issues, I cannot thank God enough for being by my side. Wanting to give a gift of value, and be pleasing to God, I finally came to know what He wants from all of us.
Therefore, fifteen years or more ago, I was blessed with that answer. And now I renew this gift (a sincere promise) to tell God with all sincerity, just after receiving Holy Communion; “My sweet Jesus, I not only ask, but beg of You, please…please take my will and replace it with your will as I never want to hurt you again through sin. Teach me, guide me, and correct me.”
Truly, God has accepted my gift, and I am inspired always to share and to reveal with a sincere promise to live each day with my focus on Jesus. In the little things that we do each day. All that we are asked to do can be done with Jesus as our focus, our reason to do our very best in all that we are required to do. It is as close as we can come to performing each menial act as though we are serving Jesus Himself. Whether man, woman, or child. Much like the Saint Therese of Lisieux who showed us the way. Going to School, cutting the grass, cleaning the house, and going to work every day, we can take on each new day and each task as though we are doing it for Christ, to the best of our ability with love.