Georgia Mom and Twins Die from Abortion Pill; Fact-Checking Pro-Abort Bias
Joe Biden will not seek re-election ending a near 6-decade drought for an incumbent president to do so. The last sitting president to do this was Lyndon B. Johnson in March 1968 as the Vietnam War reached its pinnacle.
Now, as the Democratic Party begins putting forth nominees for their convention in Chicago in August. Only one needs to secure the 1984 delegate votes and it is the same. The potential nominees serviced are Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro, Gavin Newsom, Roy Cooper, and even Jay Robert "J.B." Pritzker. This list can make you wonder who they are, but it is not even worth it.
The Democratic Party has gone from pro-slavery to anti-life. They embrace crimes instead of law and order. They’ve embraced socialism over capitalism. The list goes on. Even those on the list above have done little to nothing during the Draconian lockdowns, infringe on civil liberty, promote immorality to small children, and even worse promote the culture of death through their legislative leadership.
It is rumored that the sitting Vice President of the United States could be the frontrunner in the party’s nominee. Let’s not forget how anti-Catholic she has been and her track record that makes her unelectable. Even CatholicVote expressed their dissent of what could be her way to the White House. Did she forget that the soon-to-be former President is Catholic? Oh, that’s right. He’s a Catholic in Name Only. Got it.
If Harris was a DC comic villain in the Batman universe, she would be Joker’s other love interest called The Giggler.
It is time for conservatives to unite to defeat Harris. She’s too dangerous to be president. She has accomplished nothing but being the epitome of feminism by sleeping with men in high power like Wille Brown. The stakes are high. Catholics must rise. After all, Harris will wake up a sleeping giant that will trounce her aspirations to land a victory in the White House on November 5th.
A win for Harris will tarnish freedoms for Catholics and Christians alike. A win for Harris will bring about a radical version of America that was once fiction in a Tom Clancy novel become a reality. Make no mistake, Harris is no friend to Catholicism.
It’s time that the faithful hold the line. Keep your foot on the gas through November 5th.
Church Militant, step into the breach