Holy Communion Is Not Magic - God's Part and Our Part Are Both Necessary
Exorcist Diary #300: Demons' Favorite Word
by Msgr. Stephen Rossetti
After listening to countless demons and scores of hours of demonic chatter, there is one word which stands out as demons' most commonly used word. They use it again and again in varied contexts and in response to varied commands. The word is: "No!"
This is the constant demonic refrain. When anything related to God is mentioned, they say, "No!" It is a rebellious "no". They rejected God and will never willingly obey anything related to God.
During an exorcism, when the Exorcist commands the demons to do or say anything, they will respond with an arrogant "no!" They take a perverted delight in voicing their refusal. And when forced to obey, they will only do so with gritted teeth and rage in their eyes. When the powerful Rite of Exorcism is prayed over them, they will scream a terrified "no!", facing imminent expulsion and an ultimate damning judgment.
Their demonic existence began with a "no" to God and this defiance permeates everything in their intellects, wills, and actions. Their very existence is one long, loud, emphatic "no!"
But saying "yes" to God is not always easy. Saying "yes" to the hardships and crosses that come our way can be a struggle. Our plans for our lives are not always God's plans. At times, the demons' "no" to God might seem easier, that is, trying to take control and do it our way. Jesus gives us the ultimate prayer and the sure, although sometimes difficult, road ahead: "Our Father ... Thy will be done."