Who has the correct path to Christianity
Not by sight can we find the Grace of God, but by faith that can elude us.
A common phrase that St. Paul gave us. We always invoke this theme when all else seems to fail during the moments that might threaten our well-being. Paul told his listeners “we must be courageous although we know that while we are at home in the body we are far away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Cor 5:6 - 7).
In today’s struggle we all appear to be fighting, the most urgent solution that allows our decision to adopt what becomes a travesty when forgetting God’s presence alone. The promotion of listening to would-be prophets to join the path of greed and selfishness is not the way God instituted within our psyche. Yet, reading Matthew’s Gospel in the “Judgment of the Nations”, (Mt 25: 31 ff), we find that not following the mandate of caring for our brothers and sisters will make the difference in our finding acceptance in eternity. It is teaching such as this that our Lord placed the requirements of why he came to us in the first place. His mission was to save his children from eternal death, but we are his hands and efforts to carry on the plan of God to share his love and life with mankind. So it is not by osmosis that God creates, it is through our human capacity that his world takes shape as he creates by using the human factor in achieving his goal. ‘If God can restore such people and use them for his glory and for the furtherance of his Kingdom, then God can use you.” (1 Tm: 1: 12 - 17).
How easy it has become to sit back and allow God to do everything for us. However, we were given two legs so as to walk from one requirement to the next. He also gave us two arms to hold and comfort each other following the example Christ gave us. And, the most precious organ the Holy Spirit has handed to us is a heart that never stops and says, “this is the center of the love I have for you” coming from a creator that sends us out to find and cuddle with comfort those among us who are not as blessed as we are.
“Well, the kind of touch that happens at Cuddle Parties is not only acceptable in the bible, it's downright encouraged.” The Apostle Paul often closes his letters by inviting members of church congregations to greet one another with a holy kiss.” (Rom 16: 16, 1Cor 16: 20).
“There are six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to him. Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood; A heart that plots wicked schemes, feet that run swiftly to evil, the false witness who utters lies, and he who sows discord among brothers.” (Prv 6: 16 - 19).
Words of Wisdom we should all take as Gospel Truth.
Ralph B. Hathaway