As We Carry Our Cross
Passing The Torch
Eileen Renders
When I think of the idea of “Passing the Torch” I am not thinking about Politics or sports. For me, it calls to mind something of value and tradition. It is more about what we pass down from generation to generation, it is about the core of our being, what we have learned, and what it is we believe in. It is about what our parents and Teachers have taught us and is more about what we believe.
There is nothing more we believe deeper in than our faith and values. And when we have learned that other than our parents or families, only God can offer us a new day tomorrow. For it is God who promises us in recognizing His sacrifice on earth because of His love for us that we will have learned how to live by His sacrifice with love and mercy for all His creatures.
Following this line of thinking, we can understand how we must influence and teach our younger generation today. Therefore, it is we who are responsible for creating an environment of love, trust, and obedience to our God who is invincible. God sees our thoughts and actions, and one day will decide upon rewarding or punishing us. We have a huge responsibility, and as Parents and Teachers must choose to do the right thing. That is; to pass down to our children and students morals, values, reverence, and trust in God.
Life as I usually say, is “terminal” In other words, we are all leaving this world at some time during our lives. Some are earlier than others. Our time is limited to some extent to ensure that we have spent our life committed to being of service to God through evangelizing and being a good example to others.
There are times when we must examine ourselves, are we criticizing our children and students too much, rather than showing love and patience? Our goal is to inspire, teach, and motivate. We all benefit from knowing that we are giving all that we have with kindness and support. Thankfully, we cannot give to God more than He gives to us. After all, He is our creator and has given us life, love, and mercy.