The devil and distraction
I’ve started telling myself (out loud when my kids are nearby) “God’s timing is perfect.” If I’m running late, if I’m expecting something that doesn’t arrive, if people are moving slowly and it’s delaying my progress…it’s done so much for my peace.
I wasn’t always that person, for sure. Being newlywed and trying with my husband to start our family, I felt like I was in some celestial tug-of-war. I would do everything I was supposed to do and God said “no”. We ultimately moved on to things that were right on the precipice of questionable in Catholic teaching but I was still pulling on my side of the rope, certain my plan was the best one. The anxiety was pretty pervasive and I’m grateful to my aunt who took me to another country to try to get my mind off that singular focus and, as an added bonus, meet some of my family previously unknown to me.
The trip changed my focus. I went from “why is God doing this to us” to “what is God trying to teach us through this trial”? Well, clearly patience, but also the He sometimes has a greater good in mind. Traveling to Eastern Europe opened up an entirely new world to me. One in which the people, my relatives included, still put God first and, regardless of what was happening, had, “Thanks be to God” on their lips. He was the center…of everything.
Returning to the US didn’t immediately change my situation; it took another 6 months to become pregnant. My anxiety, however, was much less. It was initially difficult to let go of my side of the rope…I’m me; of course I know what’s best! After I did, however, I realized I was walking hand-in-hand with so many amazing people – St. Gerard, St. Anne, and of course, Our Lady, all of whom were helping me to follow the road God had planned just for me.
It’s been almost 20 years since those early days and I can say it’s gotten easier. Usually now, when a situation comes up that would have normally caused a huge anxious episode, I stop to try to see God’s plan in the whole thing. If I can’t, I chalk it up to not being omniscient and try to remain calm and offer up whatever is happening. I don’t always know the end game and I may never know it on this side of the veil, but I know Who does and that’s enough for me.
During these days of turmoil in our country, I would encourage you to remember that, even if it seems dark and hopeless, don’t despair! We have a loving God who is aware of everything and knows how it ends – all for His Glory. So, keep walking in faith and keep following the Church’s teachings. We are the children of a loving Creator who will guide us if we just turn to Him. Thanks Be To God!