Modeling Virtue to College Students
The Last Supper is the final meal Jesus’ shared with the apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion. On Holy Thursday, Christians commemorate this epic and momentous occasion in worldwide celebration of the Eucharist. This Mass of “thanksgiving” is pivotal for Catholics since the Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith. Holy Thursday is also the beginning of the institution of the holy priesthood of Christ. The Last Supper and the Eucharist are our reason for hope and joy since the institution of the Eucharist is at the very center of all we believe. The Last Supper and its religious artistic depictions over the centuries have centered around the beauty of Jesus’ total gift of self through the Paschal Mystery. This mystery of our faith happened at that very table on the night before Jesus died for our salvation.
We can never tire of the joy we receive as Christ’s followers and of his gifts to us. These gifts are related to the timeless offering of himself for the salvation of the world. There is real hope and joy knowing that no matter what events occur in the world and in our lives, Jesus is present on earth through the miracle of the Holy Eucharist and through his Holy Spirit. In every consecrated host and in every tabernacle in the world, Jesus resides in the Eucharist. He is alive on earth! This is our joy. He is close to us, his children throughout eternity. Those who honor and love him have the gift of his everlasting presence. The blessings of the Eucharist point to hope and joy in the Last Supper which began the journey of his ultimate sacrifice and love of all. This is his total gift of self to us, his beloved. Through the resurrection of Christ and in his dying for our sins, we are redeemed.
Since the beginning of Christ’s life, death, and after his resurrection, there will always be those who do not respect the faith and those who mock it. The profanation of Christ and his Church is a desecration of all that we believe. It is painful to observe when this occurs publicly. This has happened in the past throughout the history of the Church, and it will, in all probability, continue. We must come together, as believers, to pray fervently for our world. We must pray especially for enemies of the Church who cruelly ridicule and make a sacrilege of all that we believe and hold dear. Prayer, penance, and perseverance are the answers to all of life’s questions. We must continue on the journey in holding onto our faith in ardent prayer.
The Universal Church impels us to pray at all times as we persevere with Christ. The Paschal Mystery of faith and the eternal gift of the Eucharist are reasons for hope and joy despite any evils of the world. As we gaze upon the Holy Eucharist and beautiful depictions of The Last Supper, we pray this prayer.
Prayer in honor of The Last Supper
Father in Heaven,
Thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ to the world.
Thank you for the eternal gift of that sacred night of The Last Supper and the Institution of the Eucharist and of the Holy Priesthood.
We recognize and honor you, Lord, at every moment and at all times throughout our lives.
Father, we pray for all those who do not value your sacred gifts of eternity to the world, namely the sacraments you have instituted.
We pray for enemies of our faith and for their conversions of heart.
Help us to continue to pray, persevere and to do good each day.
We ask for your spirit to guide us at each moment as we imitate you.
We love you, Lord, and we thank you for all of the precious gifts of the Church, especially for the Holy Eucharist and the sacraments of our faith.
We thank you for The Last Supper, the sacred night you gave yourself as an eternal sacrifice and gift.
We ask all this in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.