Catholic Joy: Chesterton's Flying Inn
In our current age, we have a need for Catholic women to be more assertive, more bold in their faith. There are all sorts of female saints to look to for inspiration, especially St. Catherine of Siena and St. Brigid of Sweden.
These saints are examples of women who are willing to stand up for moral principles, and be willing to face the blowback that often comes with it. We need more women to be unafraid to take that “road less traveled.” Your life is more meaningful when you have boundaries and principles, even though it may appear to be more narrow from a worldly standard, because of those boundaries and principles.
It can be argued that these, and some other female saints, were saints because they had no trouble being unconventional (in a good way). They had very little tolerance for nonsense. They knew how to fight the fight of the faith. St. Catherine of Siena, one of the great patronesses of Europe, had enormous influence in the chaos and upheavals of her day. She absolutely would not be quiet until the Pope listened to her. She also kept the morale of the people going in the midst of chaos. St. Brigid of Sweden, who is also Europe’s patroness, was also a very strong and brave woman, who was also very outspoken about corruption everywhere. She was unafraid to tell people the truth, and what they needed to hear.
In conclusion, our society would be greatly improved by following the examples of these women.