Made for Glory
Did You Weep on July 26?
Were you there when they blasphemed your Savior? Did you sit silently? Were you shocked, angered, indignant? Did you weep to see your Savior so wounded? So many thought nothing of it!
Culturally speaking it is difficult to reintroduce respect or reverence when it is so absent in society. Every group wants to be respected but forget that to receive respect one must give respect. You cannot give what you do not have. The LGBTQ community wants to be included among the respectable but that is not achieved through the mockery of what others hold most sacred, the human body and the Catholic Mass.
Although Christians may have been taught to turn the other cheek, that does not mean that we should be passive in the presence of evil. Neither do we render evil for evil, hatred for hatred. We are not to allow mistreatment of what we hold sacred.
The blasphemous travesty at the opening ceremony of the Olympics should appall not only Catholics but Jews and Muslims as well. Who has suffered more persecution throughout history than these three religions that believe in only one God, The God of Abraham. People of faith must pull together and raise a loud voice in protest, for tomorrow it may be someone’ else’s faith under attack.
Our first impulse should be to fall on our knees doing penance and acts of reparation for this blasphemy against the Son of God, as well as the bodily obscenities displayed on world TV corrupting the souls of innocent children. Secondly, we need to pray and perform penances for the conversion of such confused souls who performed these skits. Interviews with French citizens in the streets of Paris revealed that many saw nothing out of order in the mockery skit of the Last Supper. No conscience.
Those of us who use social media have an opportunity to make our voice heard defending our Lord Jesus. We cannot do enough to repair what has been done nor protest too loudly. (Non-violently of course.)
Where have you heard the voices of our shepherds? Why do they not speak out in defense of Christ’s true Church? Were they not ordained to be defenders of the faith? Every Bishop and Pastor should exhort his flock to pray, do penance, fast, pray, organize days of Reparation. We just concluded the National conference on the Revival of the Eucharist. Let’s now defend the Eucharist. If our shepherds, do not issue a call to arms then we must do it ourselves. Our Confirmation anointed us as soldiers, defenders of Christ. It is our duty. Pray to St. Michael to fight with us in this battle against demonic powers.
This is warfare, spiritual warfare and Satan has made a very public attack on Christ in the Eucharist immediately following the close of the Eucharistic Revival conference. Let those in your circle of influence know how you feel and why its always Catholics that are often attacked. Perhaps, as one person commented, it is because Satan knows the Catholic Church is the one true Church! Satanists steal consecrated hosts from our Churches because they know it is truly Christ’s Body and Blood. They don’t take hosts from any other church because they are only a symbol, not the real thing.
Too many Catholics have lost their belief in the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Some receive without believing and receive condemnation unto themselves. But Satan knows the truth, so he does everything in his power to disrespect, desecrate and dishonor the body of Jesus himself.
The day is coming, some say, when it will happen that Satan will appear to have won the battle. Our churches will be closed. There will be no Mass or Communion. But will there be anyone left to weep for ‘they will have taken our Lord away’. Mary Magdalen wept on Easter morn, ‘I don’t know where he is!’