Take Up Your Cross - Part 1
Damnation to Hell
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
How many times have you heard that a gracious, merciful God would never send anyone to Hell? God originally created hell for Satan and his fallen angels who rebelled against God. It may be true that God does not damn anyone to Hell. When human life ends, all souls must go through the particular judgment where a soul must give an accounting for what was done in the body.
In that judgment, God does not compare us to any fellow human beings. Rather, He compares every soul to Himself. God is all righteous, all just, and all merciful. All humans have inherited from Adam and Eve the weakness of concupiscence. Concupiscence is basically a want for something that goes against the law of God. It is the product of original sin. The sacrament of Baptism removes the stain of original sin and introduces the soul to sanctifying grace, but the sacrament leaves the weakness or concupiscence on the soul. We as human beings must learn to control our desires. It is the only way that we become over-comers thus being able to go to heaven. However, depending on our speed and will to overcome our sinful desires, we often will need to spend time in purgatory. In purgatory, we atone for our sins and imperfections. Sacramental confession or the perfect act of contrition where we tell God that we are sorry for our sins totally because we love Him are two methods to seek forgiveness.
Let’s define one thing here. The desire or temptation of sinful action is not a sin. If we control ourselves not to act on those desires, we become over-comers. If we fail to control ourselves, we have committed sin. By being put in that situation and over-coming that desire, we offer the pain and the suffering to God for the remission of the temporal punishment of other sins that we have committed and have been forgiven. This is why when his disciples asked Jesus if anyone would be in heaven. His response was that nothing is impossible for God.
One example recently in the news was the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Secret service snipers killed the assassin immediately. I believe that God offers every soul the grace of last repentance. If the soul accepts this grace, the soul will be saved. If the soul does not accept this grace, the soul damns itself to hell. Always remember, that there could be mitigating circumstances in the soul’s favor, but that is for the judgment of God.
Now, in the case of normal human beings, the grace of last repentance is still offered. There may also be a priest in the vicinity to offer absolution and last anointing. God sent his son into the world that no one should perish for sins committed. He wants us all to be happy with Him forever in heaven.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise. Amen.