The Victory of Bread and Circuses
I'm not going to regurgitate all of the justified cultural indignation thrown at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics. It was vicious bigotry. Leave it at that, for now. But what of the political impact on American Catholics and other Christians? That's our brief here today.
We of faith and other conservatives have known for some time the left is determined to tear down every cultural institution we hold dear. That includes Christianity. They loathe the faith with an abiding passion, as they hate all, including the US Constitution, that stand in the way of their seizing of ultimate tyrannical power.
What happened in Paris, courtesy of the clumsy and attention courtesan French, is that they let the mask slip for a moment. They let us know what they have in store for us. Robbespiere, call your office.
Then they tried to recant. Just like the French, and I'm a francophile, to pick a fight, retreat, then surrender.
The Left would replace the men at the last supper, not just on the painting, with drag queens, pedos, and various shades of perv. The successful basis of Western civilization be damned, political drag queens must be obeyed.
This is likely not to sit to well with American Catholic and evangelical voters. They have seen the faith dragged through the mud, sometimes the fault of the faith, their entire lives. It's usually by fashionable nihilism. This time it's by blasphemous mockery.
But, as Newton wrote in his Third Law, for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. A pebble in a pond and all that. So, if the Republicans shoot fast and straight, this mockery can be shoved right back down the throats of the Left. This is where my old Republican media profession comes in handy.
Remember the 1964 LBJ Daisy ad? Replace the little girl with kids of all backgrounds at church functions. Communion, baptism, etc. Church music and choirs under the images. Then, like Daisy, close up on the eye, but replace the mushroom cloud with the Paris last supper. Use the same voice over at the end, "On November 5th vote for President Trump. The stakes are too high to stay at home."
Roll the spot out now, while the brouhaha is still fresh. Target religious broadcasting and when the left screams homophobic, transphobic, etc., you'll know we've hit a nerve and thus have done well. Let it run for two weeks, enough time to let the left remind everyone where their priorities are, and pull the spot. Bring it out again two weeks before the election to take the Left's eye off the ball.
This will cut into the black and Latin vote for the Dems, both groups being highly socially conservative and religious. It will supercharge Catholic and evangelical voters.
So, Paris is an opportunity but also a warning. They warn us what they will do to all Western cultural institutions if we reelect them to the presidency in November. We are warned, just like we were warned by Mein Kampf. When evil tells you it's sure as hell going to do something, it's best to take heed and act accordingly.