A Communion Meal or The True Body of Christ?
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
A lot of my fellow co-authors have brought up several interesting and great points in their respective articles relating to the disgusting, and evil displays we've seen from Paris over the last several days.
The level of evil that we've been seeing is certainly the most we've seen so far at this point I believe, and it'll probably get much worse. However, this isn't new. The diabolical influence that has beset the Eldest Daughter of the Church has been raging since the 18th Century with the Storming the Bastille, and unfortunately, the Execution of the Royal Family of France, and the majority of Christian Monarchies.
I think we all to need to show some backbone and protest what's going on here to both religious and secular officials. It's time to stand up for Christendom, and make our voices heard. I'm starting a letter/email campaign to contact every Bishop and priest that I can to ask that they Consecrate not only their families, and homes to the Sacred Heart, but also include that France be Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as how Our Lord instructed the Kings of France to do via Saint Margaret Mary in the 1600's.
I think the perfect day for the Consecration of France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to take place on will be August 25h, 2024 which is the Feast Day of France's, and one of our greatest Catholic Kings, Saint Louis IX. I pray that you will help in this great effort.
May the Holy Names of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Be Blessed Now and Forever. We Love You, Save Souls!