I (Still) Pledge Allegiance
The opening ceremony which featured the worshiping the golden calf skit, an ode to the Reign of Terror skit and had clownish men pretending to be women at the Last Supper reenactment, was just the beginning of the 'circus of the absurd'. More importantly the symbolic gender ideology madness acted out in skits was just a foretaste of something even more sinister and more real.
What could be more sinister you ask? Boxers who failed gender tests at the recent world championships have been cleared to fight against women at the olympics.
Up until now there were responsible adults who tried to expose the gender ideology hoax. Last year the IBA (the International Boxing Association) were forced to actually have the boxers take a DNA test to determine which chromosomes they had. It was reported that those tests proved that these two boxers, one from Algeria and one from Taiwan, have XY chromosomes and were therefore barred from boxing women. Since then the IOC (International Olympics Committee) which are the same reprobates who oversaw the opening ceremonies has taken boxing oversight away from the IBA. Now these athletes have the full backing of the IOC and of their countries' olympics committees who are apparently desperate to get a gold medal.
In the past those who are too woke for common sense have at least ‘followed the science’ when it came to safety. There’s a very good article at sciencedaily.com on the difference between the power behind a male punch and a female punch in boxing. It is called, Why Males Pack a Powerful Punch. In it they say, “the males' average power during a punching motion was 162% greater than females', with the least-powerful man still stronger than the most powerful woman.”
Facts: Men and women are different...
Biological Difference:
- -Male and female genitals belong together for the sake of reproduction. They produce a whole that neither can produce on their own unless this natural process is interrupted by artificial fertilization or violently subverted through rubber, plastic, surgical or chemical contraception or abortion.
-The female body is designed to be capable of sustaining the life of the offspring both in and out of the womb unless this natural process is violently subverted through puberty blockers, surgery, chemical contraception or abortion.
-The male body is designed to protect and provide for the family unless he fights against his inherent masculinity by subverting nature through chemical castration via puberty blockers, surgical mutilation or muscular atrophy due to an effeminate lifestyle.
-Female and male muscular and skeletal development differs.
Psychological Difference:
- -Male and female chromosomes release sex-specific hormones in the brain (Testosterone and Estrogen) unless this delicate balance is thrown off by pharmaceutical hormonal drugs.
-Males and Females are attracted to different things. Males are more visual and extroverted. Females are more relationship oriented and more verbally expresssive of feelings.
-Male and female experience different brain development, in aging, and in the manifestation of psychiatric and neurological disorders.
-The male brain uses much more gray matter while the female brain uses more white matter. This difference is believed to account for the greater ability of males to focus on a specific task to the exclusion of what's happening around them, while women are better at switching between tasks.
Theological Difference:
- -God created two opposite genders. “God created man in his own image male and female he created them.” (Gn.1:27) Male and Female, together image God because God is a lover, a beloved and a relationship of Persons.
-Males and females when united in the marital act mirror the relationship of the three Persons in the Trinity held together as one by Love. the two shall become one flesh'; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Mk 10:8-10)
-Male and female, when united as husband and wife are given the dignity of being co-creators with God of human life. Their leros love and friendship love becomes sanctified as ‘life-giving love’ which is one aspect of divine, agape love.
-Sexual difference corresponds to the vocation of mutual self-giving and happiness. “At last this one is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called 'woman,' for out of man this one has been taken.” (Gn 2:23). “It is not good for the man to be alone.” (Gn 2:18).
-The family unit under the headship of the father, who loves his wife as his own body, becomes the building block of a life-affirming culture and civilization which points to and facilitates reaching our end which is heaven.
In this ongoing 'circus of the absurd', which is the 2024 Olympics, someone is going to get hurt. Pray for the actual women boxers who are now risking their lives to compete as olympic athletes.