Jesus Feeds the Multitudes: Reflections on the Readings for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
August is almost here. This is a time when many take their last opportunity for vacation. In some parts of the country, the last two weeks in August are the “standard” vacation time. People are taking their kids to college, they’re finishing up summer tasks, or just taking that last break before the work year returns in earnest. Where I live that means nice weather and frequent afternoon thunderstorms around here, more outdoor activities, family outings, travel, , etc. However, as committed Catholics, we must remember that our commitment to God does not change with the seasons. While we might be on vacation from work, we should never take a vacation from our faith.
This sometimes presents a problem. Going to a strange place we may not know where the nearest church is or what times they celebrate mass. There are many ways we can make sure we make it to mass. Going to one’s vacation location online and doing a search for Catholic Churches will often get you to a local parish website. Also, there’s an app for your phone called “Mass Times” (also at that will give you churches, mass times, and sacrament times based on the city name or zip code. Even special vacations may have special accommodations. Years ago my wife and I took a cruise to Alaska. Once on board I looked at the services and events for each day and found that the ship offered daily mass. I talked to the priest who told me that the cruise line likes having a priest onboard to meet the needs of the travelers and they gave him a free lower deck stateroom (nothing fancy, but it was free) in return.
Just as we are committed to our families full time, so must we be committed to Christ and his Church full time. If you plan your vacation with this in mind you will find it easy to make Jesus part of it. Since you will probably be doing family things, include time for family prayer. Saying the rosary together is always good. As Knights we should be praying the rosary daily. Another good family prayer and shorter than the rosary is the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy.
We should never take a vacation from God. From the moment we get up we should dedicate our day to God. One of my favorites is the “Morning Prayer” which goes like this:
“Oh Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day
For all the intentions of your Sacred Heart in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world,
For the salvation of souls, the reparation of sins, and the reunion of all Christians
And in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father this month.
Even if you don’t say it with your family (it would be good to get them thinking of God at the beginning of their day), you should say it for yourself DAILY, whether on a workday, weekend or on vacation.
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.” (Mt 6:33)