What Does God Think About The World Today?
Who Do You Emulate? Let us Examine a Few of the Traits of Our Saints
Eileen Renders
Did you select your Confirmation name, or was it your parents? Do you have a favorite Saint that you relate to or most admire? Saint Therese of Lisieux, Saint Bernadette, and Saint Maria Goretti, a young girl born in Italy in the 1800s. Realizing that I will never become a Saint, but by their example, I have been inspired to search my soul, find my God-given talents, and share what I am inspired to share with all of God’s people.
Saint Therese of Lisieux was noted for her “Little Ways”. Regardless of how menial the task, she did everything to the best of her ability with love and humility.
Therese of Lisieux lived in the 1800s and became a Carmelite nun. Saint Therese had no training, but in her short life of 24 years, she developed a theology of “littleness.” Though we all have different roles and responsibilities in the world, each one of us can love right where we are. Saint Therese grew in her heart how she came to know God as her loving Father, is how she saw herself as His child. Saint Therese exemplified living for God and others. She also believed in Choosing love and keeping an eternal perspective.
Saint Bernadette (my chosen Confirmation name) is a Saint who was born on January 7, 1844, in Lourdes, France. She died at the age of 35 on April 16, 1879. She was canonized on December 8, 1933; her feast day is February 18th in France. She was a French saint whose visions led to the founding the Marian shrine of Lourdes. Frail in health, she was the eldest of nine children. She contracted Cholera in the epidemic of 1854 and suffered asthma and other ailments throughout her life. Between February 11, 1858, and July 16, 1858, at the age of 14 years, Bernadette had a series of visions of the Virgin Mary in the nearby Massabielle grotto. Mary revealed her identity with the words “I am the Immaculate Conception.” Among other messages and affirmations, the Virgin Mary told Bernadette that a chapel should be built there. Bernadette steadfastly defended the genuineness of these visions despite strong opposition from her parents, local clergy, and civil authorities, and she faithfully transmitted Mary’s messages. Saint Bernadette showed great courage in her faith and loyalty to Our Lady.
Another saint that I want to mention is Saint Maria Goretti. Born October 16, 1890, and expired July 6, 1902. Saint Maria Goretti was canonized by Pope Pius X11 on April 27, 1947. Maria’s father died of malaria and Maria’s mother struggled to feed her family. While Maria’s mother, brothers, and sisters worked in the fields, Maria cooked, sewed, kept house, and watched over her youngest sister Teresa. While sitting on the front steps sewing, Maria was grabbed up by Alessandro (it is unclear whether this is a neighbor or her 18-year-old brother) and he attempted to rape her. Maria cried out saying; “No, it is a sin.” Alessandro persisted and began to choke Maria. Maria said, “No I would rather die.” Hearing this Alessandro pulled out a knife and stabbed her eleven times. When she attempted to reach the door, he stabbed her three more times and then fled. Maria forgave Allesandro the next day right before she died saying that she hoped to see him in heaven. The story concludes with Alessandro finally repenting and begging Maria’s mother for forgiveness. Maria’s mother said, “If my daughter can forgive him, who am I to withhold forgiveness?” Saint Maria Goretti showed great Love, mercy, and Forgiveness.
Summarizing the qualities of these amazing Saints we find that their unwavering Humility, Courage, Love, Faith, and Mercy are the same qualities we can affirm that resemble who Christ is!