The Greater Ages of Humanity Simplified for a Child
A man decking a woman in "sports"?! How the heck did we get here?!
A man decking a woman didn’t just come out of nowhere !
Okay, I don't mean to be mean, but this is a partial rant, okay?
Once again, the homiletic and pastoral review rejected my article when it completely explains what’s been going on for 1700 years.
The devil , in a supreme sense , has been attacking the five great sources of Catholic truth from top to bottom, which is to say, from the most reliable by itself down to the least reliable by itself. By the way, this is concurrently in the same order as the least evident sources of Truth down to the most evident sources of Truth. In other words, an astounding logical phenomenon which can be shown later in terms of the analogy of the crucified feet of Christ , is that , effectively, there is a one-to-one inverse proportional relationship of each source of Truth between its degree of reliability by itself, and the evidence to support its legitimacy.
The top source is God himself in his ultimate mystery as a trinity and incarnation. About 300 -700 (Islam is the primary culmination and ultimate attack on God in this mystery)
The next great source is peter, who is the greatest source on Earth, the infallible guardian of the faith , 1000, great schism
The next greater source of Truth by themselves are the bishops and the sacred tradition which they guard, and this is because the general magisterium and tradition are far greater than scripture by themselves because they give the proper interpretation. These were supremely attacked in protestantism in 1500 to 1700+ roughly.
After bishops and sacred tradition comes scripture,. The Protestants only accepted scripture and confounded it at Infinity without the church, which, again, flows naturally from the fact that without as we saw above, the bishops and tradition, the true interpretation of scripture is absent and not available.
Because protestantism led to an apocalyptic division and confusion and Christianity it's scandalized the world's faith and supernaturally inclined religion and gave birth to something that could be called a supernatural death of the world.
Beginning in the 1700~, the world started to reject supernaturally inclined organized religion and accepted only a natural conception of reality. Consequently, it rejected any supernatural element to scripture and only reduced into raw history and more or lessons. Therefore, since scripture, which is the last source of divine revelation, was rejected, the only source of Truth left was reason, which was there for the only source of truth that the supernaturally dead age accepted.
At first it had some religious conceptions, as in the supernaturally dead ideology of the enlightenment so-called. Such as deism and rationalism .
In this view, again, the supernatural essence of mysticism and sacred history of the scriptures were rejected in favor of raw historical facts and moral lessons.
Eventually , then , reason was directed away from religion and towards mere worldly philosophy like psychology science economics etc.
In this great age, just as the Protestants only accepted scripture, in this supernatural death age, they only accepted reason.
And now in the 20th to 21st centuries, even reason has been rejected, which means we have the full darkness.
Now, reason is the last source of Truth in Catholicism and isn't even Revelation itself but is merely natural.
All that it really gives you is a basic monotheism and the pure basics of natural law.
Hence , reason gives the most the most pathetic degree of truth , the very basic.
But know that reason , on the other hand, is the most evident source of truth of all because every human being , at least every normal human person , has the use of reason and can therefore rationally distinguish between things that seem to be more true than others, that are logically true or false , if they are looked at with critical thinking.
Atheism is a supreme rejection of reason because , as Vatican I testified, the existence of the Creator can be known by the things he has made,, which means that no human being needs divine revelation to know there’s a God; it is plainly evident from his mind and the things that he can see.
Hence atheism completely rejects reason,
Atheism was primarily the horror that took over much of the Eastern portion of the world in the Communist terror.
In the west , reason has become completely rejected in the West by relativism, which totally denies an objective reality by stating that you can have two opposing beliefs, and they can both be true at the same time relative to the individuals.
Gender dysphoria is now one of the ultimate fruits of relativism.
That simply because the person considers an insane and irrational thing to be reality, that it becomes reality for him, and that everyone must recognize the absurdities or else be punished or persecuted.
This irrational world now, which violates almost all of the natural law, is also irrational, since the catechism testifies that the natural law is written on the heart of every human being by virtue of his very capacity to use his intellect.
And so today’s world is irrational in belief either by atheism or by relativism, and it is irrational in it’s rejection of natural law, including but not limited to, treating human sexuality like a playground, abortion, euthanasia, sexual deviancies, greed, disrespect of parents and all forms of authority above one , etc
I’m sorry but I don’t care how wise a theologian comes up to me but I am not cherry picking Catholic history,.
The reality is when you look at these five great sources of Catholic truth, which in the big picture are the only great sources of Truth that put an umbrella over any other sources that exist, and these are big sources by the way,….
When you look at the supreme assaults on these sources, they have not randomly popped up here and there little by little.
The devil has gone down the pyramid one by one without exception in the big picture.
Yes , there are other historical things that happen in terms of temporal events and minor heretical things that make exceptions to the phases.
But, in the big picture, and since we must consider that salvation history is based on beliefs and morals in the big picture, and not on Petty physical details which are simply symptoms of the spiritual problems,
Then this is an adequate pyramid of the history of salvation of the Catholic Church beginning with the beginning of her doctrinal development after Constantine.
So again, I’m not cherry picking and I suppose then that I was rejected by the review because it’s not quote on quote pastoral,.
Perhaps it isn’t pastoral , but people need to know how to answer why history is what it is and to ask themselves where did we get to a position in the Olympics when a man decks a woman simply because he thinks that he’s a woman and that half the world thinks this is all right?
Again, this has all come about by a 1700 year process.
The process of the primary doctrinal development of the church organized according to the great sources of Catholic truth that were assaulted down the pyramid one by one, in order from least evident to most evident, or in other words from most reliable by themselves to least reliable by themselves.
From 300 to 700,
The primary brunt of heresies first were assaults in part on the Trinity and the Incarnation, since arianism did not go to go on to say that there is a revelation that surpasses Christ.
Islam then was the worst because it completely denied the Trinity and the Incarnation and if that were not as worse,
it denied that Christ was the definitive last Revelation from God, proposing an extra christological Revelation and a false book called the Quran and Muhammad.
The supplemental iconoclastic in the 700 was effectively an inclusion of the trend of the christological heresy because it denies that Christ’s visible expression of the mystery of God means that we can use sacred images to portray the mystery of the Incarnation and his grace in the Saints
Clearly the next great big spiritual event in the history of the church was the Great schism, and this attacks the source of truth just beneath God, which is peter, the supreme ruler of the church which, the Orthodox all rejected,
and this is primarily what unifies them beyond some minor debates on further Catholic doctrinal development.
Minor residual heresies crept up in the middle ages, such as the resurgence of the dualistic heresies, which already appeared during pagan rome mostly and therefore don't count, and the crusades don’t count because Islam has already appeared in salvation history in ~600. So the only real new thing in the Middle Ages was proto protestantism , as in hus Wycliffe and the Waldenseses , and that , in fact , is what is leading into the next stage which is Protestantism.
Protestantism, reigning mostly from 1500 to 1700+ is united in this one thing , which is the total rejection of the magisterium, especially the bishops and the tradition. They only accept scripture. This source of the general collection of bishops and tradition is a source just underneath Peter , but it is above the scriptures by themselves because it gives the proper interpretation.
The Protestants confounded the scriptures, and divided Christianity apocalyptically, leading to a radical rejection of anything supernatural and organized religion in the subsequent age, which I have dealt with above.
1700 - pre-communism , supernatural death of world, reason alone.
Consequently this age between protestantism and the apostasy of the 20th and 21st centuries is what we could call the supernaturally dead age that only goes by reason and natural things.
Finally in the 20th century the East is first carried away into a great illogical horror which is atheism and materialism.
Later in the 20th century after minor developments of secularism, an effective minor apostasy rose up around pivotal events of the recapture of Jerusalem in 67 and the Vatican council II.
But here, the rebellion against human sexuality basically annihilates all morality as Saint Paul the 6th talked about , and this is the rebellion and the destruction of natural law which was one of the first things we saw attack reason.
Developing out of this Insanity was relativism, which was the predominating force , especially according to benedict.
Relativism is completely irrational and has now led to the insanities of the thing that a person can quote on quote consider something to be true that is blatantly contrary to reality and yet we must consider it to be true simply because they consider it to be true.
So, we have the following
300-700 reject God as Trinity and incarnation
1000 reject Peter
1500 -1700+ reject all apostolic successors and the sacred tradition , retaining only the scripture
1700-~pre-communism : reject all supernatural essence of religion and existence, including scripture, retaining only reason and natural philosophy.
20th and 21st century, attack reason, the lowest form of truth, total darkness in nature.
Atheistic materialism in the east, relativistic materialism in the West.
Yes there can be some minor exceptions to these greater ages in terms of heresies and such, and there is a lot of lesser temporal history turned within and without of these things , but I would say that looking at the big picture of what is assaulted in the Catholic history spiritually, this is a very good assessment and is not Cherry picking, but it's truly looking at the big picture!
I rest my case , okay I'm done with being mean!