How Do We Share in the Glory of God?
Are We Drowning in a Sea of Self-Pity?
Eileen Renders
At times, this is very questionable for many of us. A simple example of this is in consciously deciding we do not want to die young, we desire a long life. However, we also want to tell God that we do not want to suffer from pain or become disabled. When our prayers are not answered in this realm, we might focus our thoughts and energies on ourselves, feeling somewhat sorry for ourselves. Of course, there are many other examples of self-pity.
Have we deviated from the path that God has provided for each of us through the grace and blessings from the sacrament of Baptism? Did we somehow forget the significance of God’s Agony in the Garden, His crucifixion on the Cross? Jesus lived a life of poverty, and He worked as a Carpenter for His earthly father, Saint Joseph. He walked miles daily to go to the Temple to preach His Father’s word, and often was ridiculed as people yelled out to Him; “The Carpenter’s son is telling people He is the son of God.”
In so many ways, Jesus taught us during His short time on earth that we too, must suffer, and serve God as life is, as I like to call it “terminal.” Focusing all our thoughts and energy on ourselves takes us deeper into self-pity and depression. Seeking those who suffer more tragically, or for a longer time, yet maintain a Godly love for others may enable us to work toward becoming an inspiration to others.
When we are disabled, we can still look into the eyes of others and smile. We can offer kind words of inspiration to others. Offer our suffering up to God in acknowledgment of His suffering for us. We can accept our Cross and own it. Some of us suffer great losses, disabilities, poverty, and the loss of loved ones, even our children. Be it physical or psychological impairments, we can either accept or reject them.
Rejecting our impairments, however, does not change the fact that they remain with us. Therefore, it is negative energy that does not create a positive result. But if we accept our pain and suffering realizing that it is part of everyone’s life, especially those who live a long life, we can use positive feelings such as; looking forward to being with God in paradise for all eternity, being an inspiration of courage to others, showing love for all people we meet, we can increase our faith, and feel more encouraged about who we have become.