Lonely in a noisy world
Catholic.org is launching a multi-million-dollar campaign against Vice-President Kamala Harris in her bid for the White House. The organization calls the Democratic presidential nominee the most anti-Catholic politician ever. Harris’ history of attacking Catholics and Catholic charitable organizations is being brought to the forefront in many heavily Catholic swing states.
In 2018, Harris ridiculed and attacked federal judicial nominee Brian Buescher for being a member of the Knights of Columbus. Harris vilified the organization and Buescher for taking strong stances on traditional marriage and defending the Church’s teaching on marriage, which is directly opposed to Harris and the Democratic view of marriage.
Buescher was not the only Knights victim of Harris’ prejudice and hatred. Judicial nominee Paul Matey also faced the onslaught of accusatory questioning from Harris. Her line of questioning was like that against Buescher. It included questions such as “were you aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed a women’s right to choose when you joined the organizations? Have you ever, in any way, assisted with or contributed to advocacy against women’s reproductive rights.”
Perhaps Harris is confused as to what it means to be Catholic. Or, worse yet, perhaps she is perfectly clear on the Catholic teachings and the devotion to its teachings that most Catholics, including the Knights of Columbus, adhere to and believe. It is these teachings which causes Harris to hate Catholicism and the Catholic Church.
In addition to her attacks on Buescher, Harris has a devoted history to defending Planned Parenthood and abortion rights. While in Congress, she introduced the “Do No Harm” Act. It was an attempt to eliminate the 1983 Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The defeat of the 1983 act would force doctors, even against their personal beliefs or conscious, to perform abortions and transgender surgeries.
She did not stop with her attacks on doctors. She continued by co-sponsoring the “Equality Act” while she was in Congress. Again, the legislation was aimed at stripping religious freedom of “freedom” by forcing churches, such as Catholic parishes, to host groups and events that are directly opposed to the Church’s teaching and the teachings of Sacred Scripture.
It is no secret that many left leaning parishes have already allowed such events within their walls. However, imagine the government requiring parishes to hold these events and removing the leadership’s right to refuse these events and groups. What part of freedom is that? It’s clear that she has no problem attacking the freedoms of Americans and working to remove those freedoms when it suits her anti-Catholic, anti-Christian ideology.
Harris is the greatest threat to religious freedom and Catholicism that we have ever seen seek the Oval Office.