Treasures of the Holy Wounds Chaplet
Dear Brother and Sisters in Christ,
I just came across this gem of a Prayer in Jesse Romero's fantastic book "Lord Prepare My Hands for Battle". It's such a great read along with his new book "One Lord, One Faith, One Church."(Just a short disclaimer. I don't work for Jesse Romero, I'm just a huge fan of all his work).
Father in Heaven, may we all be cleansed by the saving Blood of Jesus; our consciences be purged of dead works.
For Salvation, that none of us would be lost, led astray, or deceived, we plead the PRecious Blood of Jesus.
For Safety, that we would all be protected and safe from all spiritual, mental, and physical harm, we plead the Precious Blood of Jesus.
For Ministry, that I may fulfill the duties of my apostolate like a faithful soldier of Christ, we plead the Precious Blood of Jesus.
For Marriage, that God would heal the things that are wounded or broken in my marriage and strengthen what is good, we plead the Precious Blood of Jesus.
For Our Children, that God would protect them from physical and spiritual harm and lead them in His paths. That they not stray from the faith and for our sake as parents, to raise them to know the Lord, we plead the Precious Blood of Jesus.
For Our Relationships, that all of our relationships would be based on good, holy and Godly principles, we plead the Precious Blood of Jesus.
For Our Health, that we would all be made whole, spiritually, mentally and physically, we plead the Precious Blood of Jesus.
For Our Homes, that they would be protected from destruction, spiritually, physically, or materially. That they would be havens from the world for us and places where God's love is shared, we plead the Precious Blood of Jesus.
For Our Vehicles, that we would be protected in all of our travels. Keep us safe from accidents or harm, that no one may ever be injured through them; we plead the Precious Blood of Jesus.
For Our Finances, that God would bless our jobs, businesses, and that our needs would be met, we plead the Precious Blood of Jesus.
We mark the borders of our nation and the door posts of our churches, homes, schools, and places of employment with the Precious Blood of Jesus. We thank You, Lord, for shedding Your Blood for us. May the Blood and Water that came from the side of Jesus, create a protecting fountain of grace, one which flows directly from the throne of God to us. Come, Lord, and fill us with Your Holy Spirit-Amen.
May The Holy Names of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Be Blessed Now and Forever. We Love You, Save Souls!