Are We A Doubting Thomas?
What Do We Know More Today About Weight Control ?
Eileen Renders
We have Scientists, and many Clinical Studies and Trials utilizing new possible drugs for nearly every health issue in the world. Why, we may wonder, is there more obesity than there was during the time of Christ?
In reflection, and as a retired Health Research writer and Nutritionist, I would like to share my views on that subject. Could it be that it is the fact that it is true we have more of everything today than was available 2,000 years ago, and for many it creates temptation?
Let’s have a look at some of the causes as I see them. Just as God created us with a void inside of us that can only be filled through Christ, as humans we often feel lonely for family, a partner, friendship, or kindness, and that emotional need is not being met. For some, it is temporarily met with the taste of something we like. This begins the cycle of cravings and eating to meet an emotional need. Often, an overweight woman will reveal to her counselor that she was once raped. Her fear of this happening again is seen as possible and frightening. This too, can result in a conscious effort to look unattractive to men, thus she gains weight as a defense. Depression and anger are an example of emotional reasons why people overheat.
Other reasons for excess weight are overly processed foods that are high in sugar, Sodium, and other unhealthy additives. Freezers that we are often tempted to utilize for pies and ice cream. Some people believe that they should eat three meals a day and snack in the evening.
Another reason is lack of activity and exercise. Understandably eating more than one can burn off will result in adding on more weight.
Back in the day, before Television, young people went Dancing and didn’t drive or have a car. Just as in the time of Christ, Christ walked many miles in a day. During that time, only an occasional Feast called for partaking in the slaughter of a lamb. They did not eat cakes, pies, ice cream, sodas, or candies. There were more people of their ideal weight than are today.
One’s proper weight allows for people to enjoy getting dressed up to go to church in their Sunday clothes as they enjoy presenting themselves as a smart, conservative person. They had energy and were more active. Indeed, they did not live as long as today’s generation, however, with Medical Science, and newer technologies, Surgeries have lengthened many people’s lives. And of course, genetics does play a role in one’s body composition. Yet Dr. Phil who comes from a family of overweight people was able to overcome his predisposition to being heavy.
In Jesus’ time, I never saw or heard of many foods being available, especially in all of the Bible verses. Cheese, bread, wine, vegetables, and occasionally Lamb. “You And Your Weight”, a book I wrote last year does contain some examples of practices that are worth putting into action.