Another cry, another loss, another touch of God's Grace?
“ No matter how often you fall I AM there to catch you”
The ultimate speed with which we fail in this life is no match to the infinite redeeming sense of the net that opens before each moment of our collapse. Jesus Christ has become our safety-net.
How often each one of us makes a mistake and peek behind to see if anyone was watching. Yet, that is the scenario that we find ourselves in each time the attraction to sin becomes the winner of a rope-pulling contest and we are alone to fight back. The one overbearing champion is the Lord when the other side appears to be the successor in this battle. His strength is grace and will always win.
As we look at the current struggle of nations threatening to cut America down and destroy our democracy we may want to take the side of freedom as our shield. However, the one banner the other side has is the attraction of Marxism. You may say, “That is an old cliche that cannot affect us.”
If that isn’t enough, look at what the Far-left is using to bring that entity about. Too many people have believed that a socialist rule is good for everyone. Their strength comes about by saying that the poor among us should not have to sleep on the streets or use quick grab and run methods to stay alive. Yes, the effect of too much government has placed the rest of us in a precarious position and makes us look like the Parable of the rich man and Lazerus. (Lk 16: 19 ff). Our cheer is for the poor beggar who now looks at the rich man as he views Laazarus resting in the bosom of Abraham.
Socialism sounds like the way to go, except, once the communistic society takes over, Marxism becomes the only way we all shall live. No more individual achievements will be taken as the way to live. Let the government take over and our desire to get ahead will no longer have an appeal. It will be almost the current exposure of 2024. People who won’t work and seek total adherence to hand-outs will satisfy the majority of citizens. Why vote since too many other nations have the same attitude towards life.
Living with the Catholic Charities is not the same. The old adage of “Give a man one fish, he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and eat forever.” That is the way to allow all individuals to live, feeding himself and his family, buying his own house and wearing the clothes he worked for. That also is the way God intended for us to live, not as recipients of a controlling government that Washington DC is leading us to.
Fight for the rights of all freedoms and place people in the government that work for us, not those who are tyrannical in controlling the common person.
With that thought, sin won’t be a problem since our wealth lies with our saying yes to what we are told and like puppets free will no longer will exist. Perhaps after the Rapture those of us who live for God’s promises will already be in heaven. Pray for those who are not.
Ralph B. Hathaway