Save in the midst of the battle
“Do I indeed derive any pleasure from the death of the wicked? Says the Lord God. Do I not rather rejoice when he turns from his evil ways that he may live? Ezekiel 18:23
God never quits inviting us to turn from our sinful lives and run to him. Our God is love and His mercy is endless. I compare a hardened heart to a cemented heart. It seems nothing can break through a heart that is hardened and closed from God's graces to get in.
Is there any hope for them? Yes, there is always hope. Looking back on my life when I was lost in the mess of my life, there were people praying for me. My mom I know prayed many rosaries for my return to my faith.
Through the intercession of these powerful prayer warriors who storm the gates of Heaven for those who are lost in their own cesspool of sin, addictions and worldly pleasures comes showers of graces.
If you, exam over time a cement sidewalk, you begin to see a slight crack in the cement and then you see green foliage bursting through the crack in the cement. It is like that with a heart that is hardened. Those who pray, fast and offer up their sufferings for these lost souls, begin also to see the slight crack in this person's heart. God only needs a crack and His grace, love and healing come pouring into the person's heart. To see a person, turn away from a sinful life and enter into God's army of serving others is so beautiful. God and all the angels and saints rejoice.
If you've been praying for a long time for those you care about to return to the faith, don't give up. Keep praying and keep storming the gates of Heaven for these lost souls. You may never know this side of Heaven how your prayers have helped someone to return to God. I do know that when we see these beautiful souls in Heaven, they will thank you for praying for them.
Thus, says the Lord, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 36:26