The World is about to be completely DEAD to the Church
Fatima, Islam, and Russia: an ‘Octave’ Of Catholic Doctrinal History?
The devil assaults the church from top to bottom.
First, God as Trinity and incarnation, culminating with Islam. Then peter, the great schism, then all bishops n tradition , protestantism, then Bible , enlightenment etc, and now reason with godlessness. But with no repentance, it seems to start over in chastisement, like an octave, : Islam, the East, Russia...
I wrote this general essay around less than 10 years ago, and it is rather astounding that in the last say couple years, especially the last year with the Ukrainian and now looming Middle East war, that much of these considerations I had, seem to be coming together because the theology fit well.
I wanted to revisit it then since this is not so much guesswork as it is theology applied to what has been going on for roughly 25 years, that is since 9/11.
Here is the article for consideration:
Also, as a preequisite on the theological structure of main doctrinal development of Catholic history, you may consider the following from my website that is being used to build a book…
The scenario gathered from most fully approved Catholic Private Revelations speaks of an intermediate minor apostasy from Christendom toward the end of the world, with an associated conditional minor tribulation if repentance is not attained, followed by the reunion of Christians to Rome, a glorious renewal of Catholic Christendom, not by force, as in Inquisitions, but because the world, having experienced the apocalyptic consequences of non-Catholic errors, will understand why the world needs Catholic dogma, morals, and graces from the sacraments. An era of spiritual, and therefore temporal, peace will last a long time, perhaps centuries, before the world will grow bored with science and faith reconciled in a temporary sabbath from human wickedness, at which time they will apostatize again like toady, but on a world wide scale, which will lead to the great apostasy of the end of the world.
Towards this end, with much of the international troubles being centered around Islamic extremism and wars,I believe the resurgence of Islam follows a natural pattern in Catholic history. Let us probe it.
To summarize this article we need to consider the following:
The attacks on the Catholic Church in a largely doctrinal sense descended the pyramid of truth, starting with the Trinity and Incarnation (Arianism, Monophysitism, Monothelyte heresy, Nestoriansim, Islam,), on to Peter (the Great Schism of East and West), then to General Bishops and Tradition (Protestant Rebellion), then Scripture and all Supernatural religion (Enlightenment, French revolution, masonry, and endless worldly philosophies leading up to the 20th century), on to even Reason itself (secular messianism, atheism, relativism, materialism) until none was left, mainly, secular godlessness.
Because there was no repentance even at that phase, the process of tribulation is starting all over again. Hence, returning to the first heresies assaulting the Church: Trinitarian and Christological, of which Islam was the peak. Islam tends toward violence against non believers because it rejects the Trinity, which is a family of Love within God and because it rejects Chistology, that God became man to suffer for them to forgive them.
The effects now should start to open up the eyes of pluralists that all religions are not as beautiful as the others.
Consequently, it seems that if further repentance to God is not attained, Islam will escalate to apocalyptic measures, and if repentance is not attained even after that, the ultimate horror must come, the next step in the old history: Schism, or the East's hatred of the West, which may involve a renewed Cold War with Russia. Our Lady of Fatima prophesied the horrors of communism in the twentieth century on the very outset of the Bolsheviks in 1917, when the world would never have foreseen the horrors that atheistic materialism would bring upon humanity. Our Lady said God would use Russia to scourge the nations.
Since the time that I wrote this, which is to say around 2015, larger developments have occurred that fit the scenario.
Firstly, as I write this today, God forbidding, the Middle East could divulge into a greater conflict than merely Israel and Gaza or, that is, Hamas.
A wider conventional Middle Eastern war would be quite catastrophic from what merely existed when I wrote this, but if nuclear weapons are involved with this would be unfathomable.
Yet, even more so, we know in fact that for over a year now, Russia's war with Ukraine did not yet exist, which has been a substantial concern for a greater portion of the world.
Basically, many people are insinuating in the media that the cold war is almost being renewed between Russia and the west and maybe even insane powers like North Korea. The situation is unfortunately accelerating.
Toward this end as well, I recently was told by a friend of an effective Orthodox mystic woman who died around 2009 but who made many predictions decades before this, all of which happened before they were prophesied without exception.
These included but not limited to, 9/11, the Iraq war, now Ukrainian war, the October 7th Jewish horror, the Israeli Hamas war, and then that the war would spread into the middle east,.
Amongst other things, she also prophesied that Russia would move beyond the Ukraine and start to go into Western Europe.
Since she has all been right and on several of these things many years before that happened, the Middle East is in fact on the precipice of war, even though we pray peace is attained. If it does come the fruition, then the mystic will be correct and she always has been.
Also the reality is that Russia's nuclear arsenal and provocations are advancing, and of course many persons in the world do not believe Putin when he says he has no desires to push farther than Ukraine despite his blah blah words himself.
At any rate, the prophecies of these mystics do not seem far-fetched, in which case , the theology scenario, which is to say, that once the full sources of doctrinal truth of the Catholic Church are traversed from top to bottom in the church's doctrinal history, when they finally divulge into the minor apostasy, and there is no conversion out of it, then effectively the tribulation starts, and it simply starts by STARTING OVER IN THE TRAJECTORY THAT OCCURRED IN DOCTRINAL HISTORY.
Hence, the Trinity and the incarnation, and then Islam. And if the terrors of such reach apocalyptic proportions but the world does not repent, then, seeing that the next great spiritual disturbance in doctrinal history was the East-West conflict with the great schism, it would follow that an East-West apocalyptic confrontation would be the next step,…
and this is again what is being prophesied by the mystic, the mystic cited above, as well as what seems to be coming to fruition by the very frightening, precarious and unstable situation in the world at this time.
Note, however, that it will not be the end even if it comes to these horrors, even if, God forbid, entire nations should be annihilated, presumably through a limited or several limited nuclear holocausts. And this would be, that, Russia would be the final nail in the coffin.
Here is what I believe can be seen as the beginning of the great renewal and process of repentance in the world.
Let us consider it as follows.
Russia, of course, in the nuclear activity, has taken the frightening position that she will strike first. If this happens, I believe we can see the following: the occasion would be outcried by the Orthodox, who are so close to Rome now, and the pope of that time will surely appeal that the West forgive the East. He will appeal to the West saying that if they retaliate it won't be the end of all of us.
Here now, if the secular West is able to stand back and let the attack subside, this could occasion the spiritual reconciliation between the East and the West for her transgressions centuries ago, such as the Constantinople horror that the West scourged upon the East around the time of the schism some Millennium ago.
The reunion of the East and West would pave the way for Protestants to forgive sinful bishops and see that they need Tradition with Scripture to help them interpret properly instead of their oceans of competing factions that are trying merely on their own private ends to what is purely futile without the guidance of the church.
The full reunion of Christians to Rome will then mean the deists and rationalists, and the other worldly philosophers and so forth , who had rejected supernatural religion because it had given so much scandal, and held only reason to be the truth, that is, who had been disillusioned by the violence and disunity of Christians, will rejoice and come home to the Gospel when Christians are reunited in peace.
And finally, the godless ones, those who did not even accept reason: the fornicators, the materialistic, the contraceptors, abortion, euthanasia, same sex, and so forth, having seen the apocalyptic consequences of these evils, will also come back.
In this way, the process of the last 2000 years of history of doctrine in the Church replays itself, but ultimately in healing instead of hatred and divisions.
These are just observations based on Catholic prophecy.
Hence, ultimately, there is hope, but in the immediate future, things look scary. As one person said, get right with God.
From a practical standpoint, I could briefly summarize the Catholic understanding of the end of the world. In Catholic theology, what holds back the end of the world is the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. So long as the Holy Spirit can yet draw a greater spiritual good in the world, through a renewal of mankind, there is hope, and the full effects of sin, which are destruction of man, are restrained, See 2 Thess. 2. The world will end when humanity not only rejects the Gospel as a near whole, but in such a manner in which even when the CONSEQUENCS of their actions come upon them, they STILL will not repent and come back. At that point, since the selfishness of humanity will not be able to be practically cured, this unrestrained and permanent selfishness, solidified by hearts effectively permanently hardened to the truth and love of God, nothing will withhold man’s self destruction, since when one does not love God, who is infinitely good and worthy of love, it is all the more impossible for man to love his fellow man, who is a sinner like himself.
The crux of our modern time is that, the two primary reasons that not only Catholicism, but even Christianity in general, are largely rejected in the first and second world civilizations is because of, firstly, and more recently, arrogance against dependence on God because of unimaginable technological development, but, secondly, and from the past ,the grave scandal of Christian division.
Protestantism brought with it a devastating, apocalyptic mutation of mutually conflicting, hating ,and betraying faiths, in which Catholics killed Protestants, Protestants killed Catholics, and Protestants mutually killed all sorts of factions in themselves.
Hence, as the Christ prayed, if the disciples do NOT love one another, and are NOT one in belief and practice, then the world will NOT be able to believe that the Father sent the Son.
BUT, if Christians could be reunited, it veritably could restore the world’s faith in the Catholic Gospel.
This is what private revelation in the Catholic Church suggests: The modern minor falling away from Christendom is mostly due to disillusionment with Christian division, as we have seen. But if the world, having lost faith not only in Christ but all religion, begins to see the consequences of not listening to the Catholic Church and seeking her graces, the consequences could reach apocalyptic levels. Then, as the darkness descends on the world, they see their heresies and sins for what they really are, in their light, and they will see, in this darkness, the true light of the Catholic Church, and convert back. IN this way, all Christians will come to Rome, and this reunion will occasion the other non-believers’ reversion. Then the world can live in peace and harmony till the final falling away, the one of the end, when the world will have no excuse like it does now with the scandal of Christian division.
In conclusion, most fully approved Private Revelation of the Catholic Chuch would say that the modern world’s large rejection of the Gospel is NOT incurable, and so hope remains for a renewal.
Finally, a word about Fatima.
As many people know, Fatima was the name of Muhammad's wife.
And the primary messages of Fatima are about Russia and her role in the suffering of the world under her problems and errors.
This is interesting, then, if only because fatima, being the wife of the great leader of islam, may be in fact, prophetically foretelling Islam's role in the chastisement, and combining in Russia as a fulfillment of the East-West spiritual conflict of old. Meaning, that Fatima is actually an expression of a theology of the course of the chastisement that will bring about the seventh day Sabbath of human history, the spiritual Sabbath in which Our Lady’s immaculate heart will reign for a great age. Amen.
Why have we spoken of an octave,?
It is because this process of going down the pyramid and then starting over, is effectively like the musical scale of starting from one note, passing through the entire scale, and then starting over with the octave.
In this case, the scale is firstly ascending, since the church is ascending the mountain of intimacy with God through knowledge of his mysteries in the doctrinal development.
Yet, on the other hand, it is a great sad scale, or minor, because in each of the phases of its development, she experiences rejection by the outer world, that is, with the heresies and the schisms and the infidelities etc.
For a deeper understanding of this theology you may try this on my same website.