The following was written before the OUTCRIES of the LGBT movement. I leave this unedited.
In the company where I work, there is a woman colleague who is Catholic, and we often discuss our christen values. Several months ago, she came over to me with watered eyes, nearly in tears. She looked very troubled, and I asked her what was wrong. She told me, “She could not talk about it right now, because it hurts too much.” I tried to console her, and told her “I understand”. She said, “No, you have no Idea.” Again I expressed my concern and told her, “I understood her, more than she realized.” She asked, “What do you mean?” I replied, “Orientation.” She looked at me, and did not know what to say. Again, in a consoled voice, I said, “Always remember, you have a friend here, who you can talk to”. She told me, she always knew there was something not right with her, and she fought for years, in pain and suffering trying to deal with this problem.
My friends, this is when I began to examine my heart and conscience about this delicate issue. I speak to you here, about those of “CHANCE”,
I will never approve or accept this lifestyle as being right, for this is not the way it was meant to be. For man was meant to be with a woman, and a woman was meant to be with a man, bonded in marriage of love, to reproduce a miracle of birth of Gods children. This encounter with this woman changed my heart in this matter. I tell you this, with all the compassion within me, I began to understand how it must feel, and be trapped in a body, you cannot get out of. Trapped within your own self, to be tormented with something you do not understand, and no one has an answer. By some biological short circuit, these people of orientation of “CHANCE’’, are condemned.
This woman touched my heart in a way, that, I myself never had given much thought about on this subject, for it was always a non- issue. But here, I understood, and reached out to her, in her pain. I began to realize what these people must be going through. A prolonged journey with inner depression and uncontrollable circumstances of fate, a test to the mind, body and soul. I do not have the answers, for this, is God’s business. These people, are the lepers of today. They do not need ridicule. Their need is for medical and genetic research, to find the cause and cure for this imbalance of sexuality. Our reaction has been of harassment, abandonment, hatred and banishment of these victims. They reach out for compassion, from this entrapment they live in, for help, from there constant nightmare of “CHANCE’’.
This delicate subject is beyond me, for I am no authority of this matter. My thinking is not liberal, but my heart is awakened from cries of those, with this stigmata. So too, why are certain people chosen as examples to others, for their pain, suffering, disease, deformities and retardation? For here also, are other people trapped in their never-ending situations; the deaf, with no music; the blind, that cannot see a sunset; the person confined in a wheelchair, that cannot dance; those with missing limbs, unable to contribute; the diseased wilting away, with no comfort; the voiceless, that cannot speak, or sing; the alone, with no one to hold them; the unloved, with no kind words, or embrace; and those, trapped in the wrong body.
These too, are the victims of “CHANCE’’ being crushed by fate. I say to you, If you are free from these inflictions and stigmata, you are well blessed, but are not free from your obligation of concern. If your burden is light, help carry another person’s load. If someone reaches out to you, take their hand, and embrace their heart of trouble. If you have little to give, give comfort, for this has weight to help relieve someone’s distress. If you are unconcerned, and have nothing to contribute in this matter, be thankful you are not one of the outcast, and the fate of “CHANCE” has not fallen on you, or someone in your family, daughter or son, for this silent path of pain, is a hopeless scorn of infliction. Only God knows why this infliction is so, and mankind is tested, for the answer.
We need to open our hearts with prayer to God our Creator, in our research, to help us correct this defect. For the silent cries of the condemned, are in the caves we have kept them in; just like the lepers.
Robert J. Varrick