Wonder Woman: Anti-Feminist Superhero
This is a time of profound moral and spiritual danger for our country. We must all pray that God will come to the assistance of our beloved nation and save it from the spiritual crisis that threatens to destroy the very fabric of our society. I truly believe we are beyond the point where even one critical election can save us.
If transgenderism, invasive porn and child trafficking, fentanyl addiction, abortion, and the like are any indication, a full century of culture rot has finally boiled over and is spilling its toxic waste into every nook and cranny of our society. Evils like these and others have followed inevitably in the wake of the de-Christianization of America, and now we are paying the price.
That means that each and every person of faith and conscience must pray, and pray fervently now to save the soul of our nation. The venerable Abp. Fulton J. Sheen once commented that
It is a characteristic of any decaying civilization that the great masses of the people are unaware of the tragedy. Humanity in a crisis is generally insensitive to the gravity of the times in which it lives. Men do not want to believe their own times are wicked, partly because they have no standard outside of themselves by which to measure their times…Only those who live by faith really know what is happening in the world.
Many people are so mired in their everyday struggles (or distractions) that they are unaware of the tipping point America stands at right now. Maybe we should pity them but, in essence, even their lack of awareness is symptomatic of the overall problem of our “decaying civilization”.
Such people are actually part of the problem. When disaster comes and they are forced to wake up, it will simply be too late to do anything about it.
Half of our culture is either blind to reality, insensitive to the imminent mortal danger, or just dead to the truth that we will cease to exist as a nation if the radical lawbreakers who run our government are allowed to reach critical mass. After that point, they can rule out any opposition and impose their wickedness at will.
It’s not hard to see that the radicals receive hardly any pushback to their diabolical agendas from what is supposed to be an opposing political party. Add to that the deep corruption of the judiciary in our country, especially the federal courts, and we will eventually see them certify the death of our constitutional republic.
This is not just a social or political problem. It is a vast spiritual problem, and people of faith are the solution!
In God’s Providence, nothing evil is foreordained and no work of the devil is ever imperishable. Rather, the Commandments of God are written in stone! And they will endure far longer than the temporary power of evil.
It is the nature of evil to pass away “like grass of the field” (Ps 37:2), but it is never possible to predict how long evil’s power will last or how much damage to human society and souls it will do before its ultimate demise.
Those who live in the generation where evil takes over are the ones who suffer the most. And I fear that we will be that generation.
Scripture also reminds us that “Not by strength does man prevail” (1 Sam 2:9) over the problems that afflict us. Only the enduring power of God is strong enough to conquer such massive evils.
We are not free to sit back and do nothing, of course, but we are also not so naïve as to think that the massive problems that afflict our nation are solvable by human means alone.
It would be easy to feel overwhelmed at the enormity of problems that afflict us, so we need to get down on our knees and beg God to bring resolution to or reprieve from them. What should we do in the face of such a gigantic spiritual crisis?
America is at a spiritual crisis point. If the radicals achieve a majority grip on the levers of political power in our nation, it will not just mean the death of millions more babies by abortion or the victimization of more women and children on our streets, it will mean something immeasurably worse: the death of souls.
That is the most urgent motive to pray with all our hearts for God to save our nation!
Please check out the One Our Father and the Prayers for JD Vance prayer campaigns to join in the efforts to turn back the power of evil. There’s no time like the present.