Real Friendship Exists in Christ
“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.” St. John Paul II
Recently, I had some quick laser eye surgery. All my fears surrounded what might happen, the complications, the nonsense and worries. The ophthalmologist was amazing and laid all my fears to rest after 2 minutes in each eye. It was over quickly. I did all the follow up and away I went. I teach international students who are very astute. Each one is looking for something greater in the world. Each one is not here simply to pass the time but to look beyond what is possible. I learn a lot from them, and I hope they learn from me. Once they return to their world, they have a new perspective on life. They might change careers, relationships, houses or nothing might change. However, they all look at things with new eyes in the same way I did after my eye surgery. I was quite curious as to why they are so astute but many of them have an openness to reality that I might not have at times. I am the teacher who might be set in his ways but maybe I am not looking at what is possible, the way JP II said.
“Be great in little things.” St. Francis Xavier
I read about Blessed Alexandrina da Costa on the Magnificat app. “Sinner, how much I want to tell you… Do not risk losing Jesus for all eternity…..” Simple words from a wise woman. She had suffered terrible injuries when someone tried to attack her in her home and her spine was damaged. It was irreversible. Interestingly, her spiritual director prayed for her to be freed from a trial. Once she learned about this, she told him no because her sufferings were needed. She greeted people often who sought her counsel, and she died in 1955. The Carmelite nuns, whom I visit often, reminded me that we do not know immediately or ever what God has planned in the lives of the people we touch. He might give us a glimpse, or He might not. He knows what is best. We need to trust. Trials, confusion, and frustration might not necessarily come from God but the learning around it certainly does.
“Without prayer, we have neither light nor strength to advance in the way which God leads us.” St. Alphonus Ligori.
How can we know what God has in store for us? How can we know his will? God moves in His own time; we pray in our time. But, conforming to His will and asking constantly as a beggar, in the words of Luigi Giussani, is how I need to approach what is in store for me. There really is a road ahead that might not be what we want according to our measure. However, if it is what God wants, then certainly it is the right road for us. Through prayer, being helped by those who love us and continuing to remain in the presence of God, is so important.
“Whenever you begin any good work, you should first of all make a most pressing appeal to Christ our Lord to bring it to perfection.” St. Benedict