The Catholic Church Is An Obstacle
A pro-life volunteer is calling on Catholic to take part in a three day rosary praying campaign this coming October.
The goals of the campaign are
• Pray one million rosaries during these three days for respect for
all life from conception to natural death.
• To bring awareness of the plight of the unborn in our
communities, our state and country.
• To alert of the danger of doctor-prescribed suicide
Rosaries can be prayed at home privately, in a group, during adoration, or in front
of an abortion facility in your community.
The purpose of this Rosary Crusade is to promote the sanctity of human life in all of its
According to the website for the National Right to Life Committee, it’s estimated that over
64,000,000 abortions have been committed in our country since the infamous Roe v Wade
decision in 1973. These numbers are based on data from the CDC and the Guttmacher
On the other end of the spectrum, several states have or are trying to enact laws providing
for assisted suicide and euthanasia. How do we combat these sinful laws? As Catholics our most powerful weapon is the Holy
Rosary of Our Lady.
Our Crusade will be held in October, the month of the Holy Rosary, Respect Life Month and
during 40 Days for Life. It begins on October 5th and end on October 7th, the Feast of the
Holy Rosary.
We’re asking people to commit to praying a rosary, or an extra rosary for ‘Respect for all Life
from conception until natural death’ during these three days. It can be said privately, in a
group, in church, in front of an abortion facility or anywhere you usually pray.
For more information or to sign up to promote this Crusade, send an email to