June is Fidelity Month
Many Catholics in impoverished countries have a hunger for hearing the Word of God, but cannot afford the full price of a Bible. In Africa, it can cost ten dollars which is too expensive. Their priorities, of necessity, are to obtain food, clothing and shelter. That is where the Friends of the Catholic Biblical Federation come to their aid, supplying Bibles at a minimal price. Initially, the organization donated Bibles free of cost but found that a small price for them enhanced their spiritual value. It also funded the formation projects in Biblical teaching necessary in the dioceses. In Kenya, 2,000 Bibles were distributed in this manner. There are millions of requests for Bibles from such nations.
Fr. Jan J. Stefanow, SVD, the General Secretary of the Catholic Biblical Federation (CBF), has been directing a mission appeal to parishes in the United States to make donations to the Friends of the Catholic Biblical Federation. He is also its Executive Director. It is an auxiliary organization to the Catholic Biblical Federation, which was formed in 1969 by St. Pope Paul VI to implement Vatican II's emphasis on Holy Scripture in the life of the Church. Fr. Stefanow said, "The pope thought that it would be helpful in the efforts of evangelization and renewal of the Church. The Friends of the Catholic Biblical Federation help to make the Catholic Biblical Federation's work and outreach possible by obtaining donations. Their Board of Trustees is made up of volunteers."
The Catholic Biblical Federation (https://c-b-f.org) has Catholic institutions as its members. Today, the CBF is represented in 126 countries by 338 members. It organizes Bishops' Conferences, meetings and plenary assemblies concerned with Scripture which bishops or their delegates attend. Representatives from different continents learn from each other, for instance, Latin Americans can present a workshop with pastoral strategies that South Asian participants want to implement. Other projects include Bible weeks, prepared materials, celebrations, and radio broadcasts offering Scripture reading.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is a member and promotes the daily reading and reflection of the Bible through its online lectio divina program. It is something that Catholics worldwide are encouraged to do.
The Bishops' Conferences advance goals involving Bible sharing such as providing translations of commentaries and manuals and publishing them. Some Bishops request workshops for catechists and need materials for them. Podcasts and online conferences are also utilized. Because of their various cultures, there are different formations of presenting the Bible. Africa's Youth Net presents a holistic approach to the Bible and is easy to use on cell phones which is how Africans connect to the internet. It originated in Latin America, emphasizing the Gospel which the African dioceses adapted. Chinese and Middle Eastern bishops are also interested in this.
BIshops from India, Taiwan, Manila and Europe have requests for programs for their dioceses. Having more of an online presence is a goal. Fr. Stefanow received a request from Angola where the population of 200,000 needs the Bible translated into their local language which the Bible has never been translated into. All of these projects require funding.
The Catholic Biblical Federation received requests for training in Biblical teaching. As a result, it is developing a Master's Degree in Biblical Pastoral Ministry.
The Catholic Biblical Federation has an ecumenical thrust, such as having a plenary assembly of various Christian denominations in Lebanon and meetings with Protestants in Poland and Germany. It also has a dialogue with those practicing non-Christian religions such as in Sri Lanka where participants gathered in a Catholic shrine, and later, met at a Buddhist temple. Because Catholics are a small minority in such places, Fr. Stefanow said, "it is important to be open to dialogue with them. We also engage in dialogue with non-extremist adherents to Islam."
Some funding agencies don't want to contribute if the projects aren't tangible like producing and distributing Bibles. However, arranging meetings is also necessary. That is why financial support is crucial.
The Friends of the Catholic Biblical Federation is a non-profit 501 (C) 3 corporation that is tax deductible in the United States. If you would like to learn more about them or to make a donation, their link is: https://friendscbf.org