As We Carry Our Cross
Eileen Renders
One thing I know is that rich or poor, man or woman, young and old, we are all called to carry our Cross to follow Jesus. Each Cross differs from one to another as some are more burdensome than others, yet God gives us only what we can bear. Some are physical while others are of mental or emotional pain. We are all called, however, to suffer.
We cannot be exempt, nor can we refuse our Cross, and it is by how we carry our Cross that we may be purified. In other words, should we complain constantly, we are carrying our Cross full of resentment making others around us feel saddened and burdened, we are not following Jesus’ example. Jesus carried His Cross for the love of us, to save us from our sinfulness, He was nailed to His Cross and died for us.
To show our love for Christ, we can join Him on His journey to fulfill His crucifixion. We can carry our Cross for the love of Christ that He may, like the thief on the Cross beside Him, be welcomed into heaven when our days on earth are over.
When my spiritual adviser told me that God called me to evangelize, I was astonished by his words. I felt I was only writing and sharing what I believed and was sure were lessons I had learned during the course of my life. Since then, it has come to mind how we, each of us, are called to become a disciple of God and to evangelize. It is what faith, life and love are; a sharing of our faith!
Often, we do not feel the comfort of support as we begin to evangelize and spread God’s word. Others will put us down saying; “You talk about God too much.” Or “Are you a Jesus freak?” They may say; “You are not special, and God does not talk to you.” Jesus was ridiculed as people said, “You are the Carpenter’s son.”
We can allow ourselves to be ridiculed for teaching God’s word and know that if through God, we can bring someone a little warm in their faith, full circle back to God with words that God inspired in us, our effort was well worth the ridicule. Family may laugh at us, but we are all called to work and serve Christ.
Jesus said; “Be not afraid, I go before you….”