Top 9 Ways to See and Hear God in the Mass (apart from the Eucharist)
Addiction rips apart relationships and destroys families. It causes children to be without fathers and mothers, spouses to be faced with abuse or divorce, and overwhelming stress for loved ones. It rips at the core of trust. The unconditional love of those for an addict often requires the painful decision of an intervention or distance. How do you handle an addict as a Christian?
We must never forget the beauty and truth of mercy that is contained within the blood of Calvary. The same forgiveness flowing from the side of Christ on the cross for you is the same forgiveness that is offered to your loved one. Rest assured this is always hope with Jesus. Don’t stop praying,
Before you can address the pain and struggles of loving an addict, you must first take care of yourself. You are good to no one if you are worn down, not eating right, or not praying, Your own spiritual life and relationship with the Lord must be at the forefront. Your example alone of loving Jesus is a weapon itself. Do not let the demons behind your loved one’s addiction impact your own relationship with Jesus. Satan loves to cause us to fall into a pit of despair, hopelessness, stress, isolation, exhaustion, and fear. Those feelings are from the pit of hell and not from the throne of heaven.
My main recommendation is to make God part of your daily routine. If necessary, treat your time with God in prayer and reading as an appointment for the day you must attend. Whether it works better in the mornings for you or in the evenings, make God a part of your daily calendar. Spend a minimum of 30 minutes, preferably an hour, in prayer and in the presence of the Lord. Praise Him for what He has already done in your life. Reminding ourselves of the blessings from the Lord is always a great way to keep us grounded.
Read Sacred Scripture and listen to the voice of the Lord through Sacred Scripture. God speaks to us through His Word. He also speaks through trustworthy spiritual books and authors. Read the writings of the early fathers and saints.
Another great way to remind us to stay grounded in the Lord is to put up Scripture verses and quotes from saints that point us to Christ. Write them on a post it note and stick it on your bathroom mirror. Place a screensaver on your cellphone and computer with an encouraging Bible verse or saint quote. Even something as simple as a keychain on your keys with a crucifix, quote, or Bible verse can serve as a quiet reminder that you are not in this fight alone.
A fabulous way to remind yourself that God is always there and cares is to keep a blessings journal. It doesn’t have to be fancy. In fact, the recent update on the Apple phones actually has a journal app on it that you can write the blessings you received that day and even post photos. You can also keep a small notebook in your nightstand where you can write blessings of the day in bullet form (if you do not want to write a lengthy entry). It serves as a useful tool to go back and review when you start to feel abandoned, isolated, or fearful
These are just simple suggestions, but you can also form some ideas that work for you. Whatever works, make sure they help you keep your eyes on Jesus. Don’t stop praying, He hears you.