Spiritual Health
Sharing A Bit of What We All Are Seeking
By Eileen Renders
We all mature into different personalities with diverse interests, talents, abilities, and goals. I want to direct your interest right now, however, on a topic we all share in common. Regardless of our differences, we all require energy, inspiration, and the ability to achieve our goals. Therefore, for the foundation of all our anticipations, we are required one common element; good health, and stamina to sustain our efforts.
Beginning with that foundation, we may differ in our approach to good health. Depending upon variables such as gender, age, and motivation, we may institute specific routines that might be compatible with our lifestyle.
Suggestions may include practices that boost the immune system, strengthen the body, build muscle, and increase stamina. These attributes it has been shown, also assist us in focusing, and at the end of the day, benefit in attaining restful sleep. God is our example of accepting challenges for the sake of good in the world. We can also strive toward achievement, and become mentors for the good of others.
Putting into practice those things that need to become part of a routine puts one on the right track, so to speak. To complete our ideal best effort to reach an overall sense of well-being, we cannot ignore how important it is to institute healthy nutritional habits, this includes the need to eliminate overly processed foods. By opting for fresh foods in Season. Also, avoiding excesses in our diets such as; Sodium, Alcohol, Saturated fats, cholesterol, and other denatured foods.
Many of us do not make it to the Finish line because we want to see immediate results. I am not suggesting a diet here, but healthier Lifestyle changes that are taken and achieved one step at a time. What I am suggesting is; that our best effort can often overcome genetic issues that lead to health issues, and in the long run we are more likely to reach the age of 85 and remain in good health. Once we have attained this goal, there is no telling where, or how far we can go in reaching our professional goals as we have also built up a reserve of confidence in ourselves.
Only God can create a world in a day, we are subject to striving, learning, and patience in making lasting positive changes.