The Will of God
Eliminate Procreation and Humanity will Cease!
This may appear as a proliferation towards something that could never occur. But the signs of this becoming a reality is on the horizon of our attitude of the right to life and all of the avenues pointing to its premise.
What has our society allowed to enter in the rejection of God and the very action of the Holy Trinity regarding human life and the progress of its procreation? After God initiated humanity and promised to stand by it he said; “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” (Gn 1: 26).
Then he blessed them saying; “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.” (Gn 1: 28). One thing God does not do is to speak with words that have no completion or meaning that may change at any moment he decides it wasn’t his original purpose. God speaks and that is gospel truth.
Perhaps it would help to reiterate the word of God when he gave man certain rules that would guide us towards a life of great understanding for our benefit and not just rules that controlled our movements throughout history.
We need to listen to the words given to Moses on Mt Horeb; “This is the law which Moses set before the Israelites. These are the ordinances, statutes and decrees which he proclaimed to them when they had come out of Egypt and were beyond the Jordan in the ravine opposite Beth-peor, in the land of Sihon.” He continued to pronounce God’s word: “I the Lord, am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery.” The one command that is an issue here; “You shall not kill.” (Dt 4: 44 - 46; 5: 6, 17).
Today, this seems to be one command that God ordained as gospel truth and extends throughout human history. Somehow, man has chosen to interpret these words that will suit his own pleasure and conveniently chooses what pleases him whenever his pleasure calls for freedom away from God’s commands.
Procreation is one of the first demands that God announced before man knew what life was to be about. Life is so precious that the Lord induced a beauty into the soul of his created beings that would allow this creature to continue procreating their offspring in order to subdue the earth. So that man and woman would enjoy the intimacy of bringing new life into the world, he made the act to be pleasurable and the desire to create their own children. Man liked it so much that today the joy of sexual intercourse has now become a travesty that does not respect what the union between man and woman was meant to be. (CCC 2360 - 61).
Understanding what marriage is all about, the Church asks newly engaged couples (man and woman) if they are willing to bear children before the marriage can proceed. If they answer yes and then refuse to honor that commitment they are in violation of the act of matrimony.
Who else because of their refusal to honor this command if God finds ways to keep the population down or to ensure new children do not reach maturity through normal birth. Let’s look at these people who for one reason or another are content to keep babies from reaching their possibility to subdue the earth as well.
Same-sex unions or marriage that the Catholic Church does not approve. (CCC 2357)
Abortions even after birth, murder is the correct term. (CCC 2271)
Vasectomy for men and tubal ligation for women; two irreversible types of birth control.
Birth control by condoms or medical drugs of sorts that interfere with conception. (CCC 2368)
Laws, like China had invoked some years ago to limit births to one for each family. It became a problem that affected their population of viable children that would carry their work force in later years.
It is said that if the priesthood diminishes the Church will struggle to reach people with God’s message of salvation. If the suggestion of a communist regime takes hold the human family will also become a non-producer of more children. God is going to deal with his children who are rejecting the right to life and attempting to interfere with God’s plan of life that he waits to bring into eternity at the end of the world.
Ralph B. Hathaway