Jesus is there
I saw a movie once with Ellen Burstyn and while I was watching, there came an agonizing scene where she was fighting back tears while talking to her small children. She had just lost her pioneer husband in an accident and was now alone to fend for herself and their children. Sad and afraid she says to them that it is "their season of winter". Tears swelling up in my eyes, I knew she was meaning how harsh Winters could be and they were about to experience it. Cold and secluded. How she must have felt that loss of her husband with such intensity, her "Winter ",while still trying to remain strong for the children and herself.
That line of different seasons was referenced a lot throughout the movie as she kept a diary of her hardships and struggles of the pioneer life. Chopping wood for the fireplace, killing animals so they could eat, all the while not losing hope or faith in God or life..
I've had different seasons in my life also. I guess I'll compare my hardships to Winter like she did. I'll compare my joys to Spring and my questioned tasks to Fall and my ease of days to Summer.
Seasons to me are stepping stones into the next phase of our lives. They can be harsh and cold or soothing and quiet.. Full of learning and sometimes disappointing.
How did God think of all of this? What a mastermind! What a good Father! The seasons of my youth and the seasons of my aging. May the storms that bring the spring flowers blossom into the cold of the night where the morning can shine with the brightness of the blue sky and heat my soul with the radiance of God's love.