Commitment in Christ
Indecision does not come from God. St. Padre Pio says, “That the devil is capable of confusing the most brilliant mind.” Even the greatest minds fall but it is only through our faith in Christ that we are redeemed.
I had to make some tough decisions lately regarding work and many other aspects of my day. It has not been easy. We look to others who can help us. We look to our faith. My doctor, of all people, reminded me of the father of the possessed boy whom Jesus cured. He was asked by our Lord, do you believe? He responded that he did but asked for help with his unbelief. It is not an easy task. I would think our unbelief is very difficult to eliminate. Even the greatest saints among us must have suffered greatly. Doubt is easy but faith is work. Even Christ suffered in the Garden before he was to be crucified but we trust. We trust in our Lord to bring us through. He carries us.
“Contradictions put us at the foot of the cross, and the cross lifts us up to heaven.” St. Jean Vianney
Are we ready to suffer for our Lord? Maybe we are not at the point of the Roman times but maybe we are getting close. The Carmelite Nuns remind me all the time that when we are in doubt, it is time we doubled down on our faith. The last few weeks, I would read about the Spanish martyrs during the civil war in the 1930s. It must have been so traumatic to watch the clergy and faithful be so brutalized. Blessed Martin Martinez Pascual was a priest who during the persecutions took the consecrated hosts from his church and went into hiding. He was eventually arrested and blessed his executioners hoping they would come to their senses. It is amazing to hear these stories now but what a nightmare they must have experienced. We continue to pray that the blood of the martyrs will revive the Church in the same way it did in the early Church. St. Bernard of Clairvaux was another example of faith that we need. He counseled against the hubris of the intellect if it is not tempered with prayer and scripture. He never left a letter unanswered. He continues to be an example to this day.
“The measure is to love him beyond measure.” St. Bernard.
We continue to follow Christ and His Church. It is not an easy time for many and post-Covid seems to be endlessly post-Covid. But it is time we move forward in faith. It is time we double-down so to speak. Doubts are possible but faith is real. We have the saints; we have each other, and confusion does end. Some self-reflection would help but faith and prayer can do wonders. Let us continue to be faithful servants. We are loved by God, and it is a love that will never diminish. When we are angry and confused, mass, confession, prayer and looking at others ahead of us in our faith are so important in the spiritual life.
“If you are in danger, if your hearts are confused, turn to Mary; she is our comfort, our help; turn towards her and you will be saved.” Frances Xavier Cabrini