Your faith is lived out in your works.
This seems odd, but it isn’t odd at all. God is the perfect unity of three persons. God revealed these three persons to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Father as the parent figure. Son as the child figure. And Holy Spirit as the love that the Father has for the Son and the Son has for the Father. The Love is so perfect that it is itself a person.
So, if God is a family, are we not supposed to reflect God in our families? God started the human race with a family. A man and a woman united by God for the creation of children. After all, God created us in His image. And God is a family.
So, can we adequately reflect God in our families? God is perfect and we are not. We must not be concerned about reaching the perfection that is unattainable, but reaching the heights that God has made attainable for us. Will we fail? Sure, but God can give us the grace to get back up again and try again.
An attack on the family is an attack on God. An attack on the image and likeness of a person is violence against the person of whom the image and likeness is. But is redefining/changing the family an attack? Do any of us have the authority to change what God has made? He created the family, but has not given anyone the authority to change it. Trying to change it is an attempt to defy God’s authority.
But is it really an attack on God? We identify with God through our human families. Many people that have problems with God often had problems with their human father. The human family is tied to the Heavenly Family of God that is the Trinity. To attack one, attacks the other. Trying to redefine one is an attempt to redefine the other. Would not an attempt to redefine God be an attack on Him?