Catholics 4 Kamala?
There is a group of Catholics who call themselves Catholics for Kamala. It has a nice alliterative ring so does Catholics for Communism or Catholics for the Klan but personally Catholics for Christ has a better sound, and this group takes the long view of life vs a short-term perspective. These terms have a narrow view and a false focus for persons of faith.
As Catholics our perspective has a longer term vision for life. Why are we here anyway? What is our purpose? Our mission? Christ said to go out and make disciples. In order to do, that we need to know what and who we are as baptized Catholics. We are children of God our Father and adopted children through the blood of his son Jesus. We are to be imitators of Christ in thought word, deed and politics. He told us that He is THE WAY. So why not follow.
He said to let the children come to him not that you have a right to deny them life so that they don’t even get a chance to go to Jesus! Neither did he say to take some potion so that you can still have sex without consequences. He never said that if you don’t like the gender God gave you that you can mutilate your body and pretend that you are something else! gender. You are not God. He said he didn’t come to change the law (10 commandments) given to Moses by His Father. So why play God and skip the ones you find hard.
Our Nation was conceived by men who sought justice for all not biased toward the elite. Great Britain enriched its coffers unjustly on the backs of her subjects, especially in the colonies. The colonists were British citizens entitled to the same rights as residents of the homeland. Patriots risked death for treason by fighting for a balance of power in government that favored no class or religion. Good men of various beliefs wrote a constitution that had served well until the 1960’s when the Democratic Party adopted a new platform that no longer served the working class, police and firemen or veterans. They pushed legislation, philosophies and policy that belonged more in the private sector. No more school prayer, biblical references but forced teachers to teach sex education, gender ideology, socialism, diversity to young children. Public schools should teach how to learn, how to debate civilly, and how to think both sides of an issue. Parents are the primary educators of their children, and the government should not usurp that right. America was never intended to be a homogenized nation. We have always been a plurality of peoples and ideas who work together for the common good through compromise, not by force. Americans must return to constitutional law and Catholics must return to Christ.
Is it moral to say you are a Catholic and act like an atheist? Is it moral to rig elections? Is it moral to spend taxpayer dollars (without taxpayer consent) to ruin an opponent’s reputation or attempt an assassination? Is it moral to arrest people who peacefully assemble to protest abortion? Is it moral to attack Catholic Justices just because they are Catholic? Is it moral to fail to arrest and prosecute those who vandalize houses of worship, bring drugs across the border or engage in human trafficking? Is it moral to prosecute medical personnel who refuse to participate or gender reassignment surgery? Is it moral to force Catholic business owners to pay for employee abortions or the potions that prevent pregnancy? Recall HOBBY lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Is it legal to coronate a candidate via corporate donations vs the consent of representatives of the people? Is media coercion legal? Is it legal to cow-tow to big money, big Pharma, big Tech vs the needs of police, fire, working folks or veterans? Is it legal to censor public opinion? All this has slithered in via the Democratic Party over the last 60 years. Catholics 4 Kamala need to rethink their stance and choose between Kamala and Christ. Once in power in 2025, you can expect a greater limitation of your freedoms than you experienced with the COVID lockdown. That was a trial run to see if the suspension of our freedom of movement, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech and freedom of religion could actually be achieved without a civil war. It worked; we followed like sheep. We followed the wrong shepherd because too many Catholics no longer recognize the voice of their true shepherd. Do not listen to angry name calling voices, slick media or political harangues. The voice of the true Shepherd is found in scripture, worship and daily prayer. If you do not pray daily, you cannot hear his voice above the din of competing voices.
Dear Catholics 4 Kamala…. go into your inner room, close the door and listen in silence to your true leader, Jesus Christ. If you follow him, he will not lead you astray. He has the long view of your life and will prepare you for an eternal life in the paradise of heaven. Turn off the media, the internet and the fake news and listen to sound teachers who blend gospel values and secular ones with trusted interpretation. Read the constitution again. Don’t let the short-term view of false promises and self-gratification lead you astray. Christ will provide for your needs (see Matthew 6:25-35) and bring the peace that this world can never give you. Stand tall for truth, justice and the American way.
Some suggested voices of former Democrats worth your time: David Carlin, “Can You Be Catholic and Democrat?” and Robert F. Kennedy