I asked the Lord what words He wanted Me to write. My heart now speaks to you, in a manner, which you will understand!
When I surrendered my life to Christ, was the day I was able to take Jesus down from the cross. I carried Him in my arms and took the thorns from His head. I wiped away the blood from His body. There were tears -- frozen on His face. I tried wiping His tears away -- they would not come off. I just held Him, then kissed His cheek -- His tears of compassion, fell into my hands!
I saw His mother, and for the first time I saw her anguish and sorrow in her face. What mother, could have stood by, and watched in horror, her son’s torment? Her tears of sorrow, fell into my hands!
For so many years my Lord had carried me and comforted me. This was the first time I carried Him and comforted Him. My Tears of sorrow and compassion, fell into my hands!
I have a cross on my bedroom wall. It is of this compassion, every morning I say these words: “Jesus, I will, wipe away, Your tears,”. I say this prayer: “Father, Jesus, please help me make it through today. I cannot make it without you. Fill me with more physical, mental, and spiritual strength; goodness and grace; and Holy Spirit.”
This, is how I start, my day! And these are the words My Lord wanted me to say . . . to you!
Robert J. Varrick