The crucifixion begins as the surgeon’s hands, grasping piercing tools, enters the cave to the womb: penetrating with piercing nails of the cross, mutilating and aborting the life within. A helpless growing child is plucked out—like some useless weed—cut into pieces with thorns of the crown, held by the probing fingers of the surgeon. With flowing blood, another crucifixion of a sacred temple as it is ripped away—this gift of life, conceived from seed, interwoven within the mother’s womb—cast out by the surgeon’s destructive hands into the garbage: tiny pieces with no names. You have used your cave for satisfying your lust for pleasure—and the male, also in lust, contributes in this act of animalistic instinct. When this act, given in love, produces love, it does not encourage dissolving the unborn.
You cannot see beyond, that each child is precious, different from each other: some similar in features, but none exact duplicates. How is it possible, with such a multitude of millions and millions, each is different? Only God can create these miraculous alterations of living portraits through the womb of a woman. A woman’s body is blessed as a miraculous incubator with the ability for life of the unborn to flourish to birth. The unborn, IS life. Like a flower growing from seed, springs upward in growth from soil then blossoms into a beautiful face of fragrance; but cutting off the stem of a flower will not produce its blossom or face. The stem IS life; the blossom or face, IS the birth of the flower. So likewise, you have cast out your child without seeing its face and beauty of heart. You have partaken in making a statement for the convenience and comfort of yourself and condemned your child to death.
“This is my commandment: Love one another as I have loved you. A man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:12-13)
By man’s law, you chose to extinguish this innocent child within you. God’s law does not change: Thou shall not kill. God has given you the gift to reproduce, not, to take away. The choice that you proclaim is from the evil one—a falsehood, a blasphemy, that destroy the dignity of your soul. It is selfish, unloving and murderous, for you have killed part of yourself and part growth of seed from another: two parts of future genetic family trees, cut down, cast away into the trash. Of the greatest possessions and treasures you have, is your soul—and now it is bloodstained with the blood of your aborted child. You could not see beyond, that this life you have deleted had a predestined assignment of gifts to be distributed: these now go unused. This aborted life is a loss to produce another life, and that life, to produce another life and onward. These are the loss of souls to Our Lord’s inventory for His Kingdom—a grave injustice, against our Creator, the Father Himself.
Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them: for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” (Luke 18:16)
“Anyone who welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But anyone who is an obstacle to bring down one of these little ones who have faith in me would be better drowned in the depths of the sea with a millstone around his neck.” (Matthew 18:5-7)
“See that you never despise any of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven are continually in the presence of my Father in heaven.” (Matthew 18:10)
“Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus said to him, “What is written in the law? What do you read there?” He replied “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:25-27)
The closest neighbor to yourself is the one that was growing within you. There is none closer than this! With malice and no conscience, you have evicted this neighbor and put him to death. From beyond the veil heaven weeps with tears of the womb for these tiny pieces ripped to shreds—pieces, with no names, voices never heard, fragments of fingers and toes, a pierced heart: a lifeline, sheared and scraped away. Today’s trash. Tomorrow, more of the same. The cave of pleasure is TERROR for the unwanted unborn.
How is it that, The United States Supreme Court, on a vote of seven to two, seven judges could pass a law to condemn to death over sixty million unborn babies? Seven, who could not see beyond, the blackness of their robes of death.* There has been over 60 million crucifixions of the unborn in the United State since 1973 as these tiny infants are crushed and discarded. These represent sixty million lashes to Our Lord’s inflicted body, sixty million tears of Our Blessed Mother.
Sixty million who have aborted their babies could not see beyond—the unraveling of the fabric of our country, its soul, dissolving our strength and heritage. Each abortion has destroyed the potential for a life to flourish to subsidize mankind: a potential when each baby grows in age to be productive contributors to society—potential for FARMERS for food; MILITARY to protect our country; POLICE and FIREMEN to protect our homes and citizens; MEDICAL to care for the sick; INDUSTRIAL WORKERS to produce goods for everyday living; SCIENTISTS to cure diseases; CLERGY to minister to our brokenness of spirit; TEACHERS to develop our minds; MECHANICS and TECHNICIANS; ENGINEERS and ARCHITECTS; CARPENTERS and PRINTERS; WRITERS and JOURNALISTS; a PRESIDENT; TAXPAYERS to build the financial base of our cities and country. This list of potential contributors goes on and on—but all have been deleted from the pages of our future history. And yet, your aborted child was the one to have taken care of you, in your old age, in your sickness and well-being.
What you have cast away will never be regained in this life: this Garden Of Eden of earthly pleasures. You cannot look beyond, when you leave this place for the next—the abyss of aborted babies is your destination. Make no mistake: what you sow here, you shall reap there. May God have mercy on your souls.
*UPDATE; On June 24, 2022 The United States Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade on a 5 to 4 vote. Abortions continue in some States as each State considers whether to ban abortions.
Robert J. Varrick