Take Up Your Cross - Part 1
Workers In The Vineyard
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
Who are the workers in the vineyard? The answer may surprise you. The Pope, all cardinals, bishops, monsignors, priests, and deacons are workers in the vineyard. They bring the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ to all believers in the Catholic and Orthodox Faiths. Protestant pastors, ministers, and Jewish Rabbis preach the word of God in their respective denominations. Catholic Nuns and Brothers do the same in the Catholic Faith. This should be no surprise to anyone.
What may surprise you is the next group of beings who are still working to save souls. When we pray and send our petitions to the angels and the saints, they pass our requests to God. Our guardian angels are perfect examples of being workers in the vineyard. All angels and saints who intercede for us are still workers also. Our deceased relatives and friends who see us struggling here on earth will send an inspiration to our souls to assist us in our needs. They are still workers. All people who write articles for Catholic365.com and other religious newspapers and magazines to inspire and teach God’s truths are workers in the vineyard. All the laity of the Church who contribute time, talent, and money to their respective parishes are workers. All parents, grand parents, and great grand parents who teach their children and grand children of the ways of faith are workers in the vineyard.
Our Blessed Mother Mary who always seeks extra graces from Jesus for all her children on earth is still a worker in the vineyard. She is also the handmaid of the Lord, but what about God? The Holy Spirit is at work every day to inspire us to get closer to the Heavenly Father and Jesus. He also blesses and renews the world with his gift of Sanctifying Grace to those who will accept his grace. The redeeming work of Jesus is always at work on earth. His blood continues to wash us clean through the Sacrament of Penance and the act of contrition. The Heavenly Father continues to send workers to us. He wants all beings to be happy with Him forever in Heaven.
To all our workers in the vineyard, I wish you a very happy, peaceful Labor Day weekend. Enjoy. You have earned it.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise. Amen.