Mary, The Ark of the Covenant
The Purpose of Political Conventions
The purpose of the national political conventions, attended by elected delegates, is to select a national candidate to run for President and approve policy for the party platform. These policies are usually around issues of the economy, jobs, social security, military funding and foreign policy.
This Democratic Convention for 2024-2025 managed to “elect” the candidate supported by big financial donors, primarily Planned Parenthood which was given primacy of treatment, advertising and space at the convention. The political statement was loud and clear that child “sacrifice” is permissible, acceptable and should be completely legal. It appeared to be a Pledge of Allegiance to abortion. Supporting this position was a medical van offering free abortions to convention members. Twenty-five babies died on the first day. Abortion “Girlie T-shirts were available for sale. A huge, inflated IUD stands boldly in front of the convention hall. The speeches focused primarily on the same theme declaring, You need Abortion!
A young woman testified that she had been repeatedly raped by her stepfather. At 12 years old she carried her parent’s child! She stated that she was so grateful to have the choice of an abortion. Did she have a choice about being raped? Who was protecting her rights to her own body. It merely allows the abuser to continue the abuse. Abuse, get an abortion. Abuse, get an abortion. Abortion is an abuser’s friend. It was the innocent baby in the womb that got punished and the poor girl believed that abortion saved her!
To choose the death of an innocent is always a mortal sin. Over 28,740,600 abortions have occurred worldwide. In the USA in 2023 alone there were over a million babies lost. This is diabolical! Today’s pagan culture resembles the Aztec culture in Mexico in the 1500’s. Children were sacrificed to pagan gods. After Our Lady of Guadeloupe appeared to a peasant people converted and child sacrifice ended.
Today’s culture practices human sacrifice at the altar of convenience, money, lifestyle, fame and power. No amount of education or preaching has prevented people from worshipping these false God’s. Instead, protesters are arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned for exercising the right to free speech. Today there is an 89-year-old survivor of Auschwitz in prison for protesting abortion! Outrageous!
Sadly, even the Republican party bears some guilt as well. They have watered down their past positions on abortion to be more acceptable to the public. By allowing the abortion pill question to be settled at the state level they are passing off their responsibility to obey the fifth commandment. Those who were once loudly pro-life have backed down. Once again voters only have a choice between the lesser of two evils. The abortion pill is not medicine. It is a weapon of death to the baby and has serious consequences for the mother. She may experience bleeding, dizziness, fainting and weakness leading to collapse and falls. I hope the convention floor can handle 25 women in crisis. Convention planners only see that more babies can be lost by the pill versus minor surgery. It’s another way to fill their coffers. Mifepristone pill costumes were donned by attendees who then danced and paraded down the streets with a noisy marching band. You would think it was a Superbowl parade versus advertising a lethal pill. What kind of people celebrate instruments of death in a parade?! Well yes, the communists do parade their weapons of war to intimidate and brag about their power.
Both the DNC and the RNC opened their conventions with prayer offered by a Catholic Prelate. What an opportunity to evangelize! Their presence gave the impression of approval for the party’s agenda. The DNC had Cardinal Cupich do the honors and he offered generic prayers with no mention of the evils inherent in the party platform. At the RNC Archbishop Listechi mentioned life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness but no statements about the party’s waffling on abortion issues especially the child terminations taking place just outside the convention doors. Just a lot of pious pablum! Mere presence at the scene of a crime gives tacit approval of the offense.
Thes are not blind men but men with no backbone to stand up for moral teaching common to people of faith everywhere. Perhaps they too are victims of political correctness, don’t rock the boat, appease both sides. Big Tech and big Pharma may be offended and cut off funds to your diocese or its projects. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you! With millions of births around the world it won’t take long before there are no workforce people available. Yup! Very logical thinking!
When there no people left except the wealthy elite, I guess they will be served by robots or some configuration of AIs. Sounds like a boring world and definitely one not according to God’s plan. When people play God, God will take them down. (read the Old Testament) The consequences of these evils will touch the lives of innocent and guilty alike, When good people do nothing to stop the encroachment of evil, the enemy wins. When people defy God’s law and do not listen to the voices of prophets, God punishes. It is simple justice. Break the law, pay the price. Our day has come!
In conclusion what is the message of the Democratic Party to the electorate?
Vote for donkeys to kill the unwanted,
infants first, and Christians,
then the elderly and handicapped,
then the culturally or racially “undesirables”
…where will it end?