In her simple yet profound wisdom, Mother Teresa once said, "Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the source of all virtue and the summit of our lives. From the Eucharist, we receive all the graces necessary to be holy." These words, spoken by a saint who lived her life in service to the poor and the forgotten, remind us of the central place the Eucharist must have in our own lives. It is not merely a ritual or tradition but the living presence of Christ, giving us everything we need to pursue holiness.
The Eucharist: Source of All Virtue
When Mother Teresa speaks of the Eucharist as the "source of all virtue," she is reminding us that any virtue we hope to cultivate—whether humility, patience, charity, or courage—finds its roots in Christ Himself. In receiving Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, we are drawn into intimate communion with the very source of goodness. Each time we participate in the Eucharistic feast, Christ strengthens us with His divine grace, enabling us to grow in virtue.
For us, busy with the demands of family, work, and daily responsibilities, it can be easy to forget that the graces we need are not found in striving harder or seeking worldly success. They come from the Eucharist. When we approach the altar, we do so with open hands, acknowledging our dependence on God for everything—our holiness, our strength, and our ability to love.
The Summit of Our Lives
Mother Teresa calls the Eucharist the "summit of our lives." This speaks to the profound truth that the highest point of our existence is found in our relationship with Christ, specifically through the Eucharist. If our lives are a journey, the Eucharist is the mountain peak we climb toward. It is the goal, the destination, and the pinnacle of our spiritual journey.
This summit perspective reshapes how we view our daily struggles and accomplishments. The little victories, the big challenges, the joys, and the sorrows all have meaning when we see them in light of our ultimate goal: union with Christ in the Eucharist. No matter where life takes us, every step should lead us closer to that summit, where Christ Himself waits to embrace us.
The Graces Necessary for Holiness
Mother Teresa also reminds us that "from the Eucharist, we receive all the graces necessary to be holy." Holiness is not something we achieve on our own; it is a gift from God. And the greatest gift of all is Jesus Himself, present in the Eucharist. Each time we receive Him, we are given the grace to become more like Him—to love as He loves, to serve as He serves, and to carry our crosses with joy.
In our modern world, it can sometimes feel like holiness is out of reach, especially with so many distractions pulling us in different directions. But Mother Teresa’s words are a reminder that holiness is not about being perfect; it’s about letting Christ work in us through the grace of the Eucharist. He provides the strength we need to become saints in the ordinary moments of our lives.
Living a Eucharistic Life
How can we live out this call to make the Eucharist the source and summit of our lives? It begins with deepening our devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. Attending Mass frequently, spending time in Eucharistic adoration, and making a habit of receiving Communion with reverence and love all help us to stay connected to the graces of the Eucharist.
For parents, this also means teaching our children the centrality of the Eucharist. Just as we nourish their bodies, we are called to nourish their souls by leading them to the source of all grace. As we grow in our own love for the Eucharist, we can pass on that love to the next generation.
Mother Teresa’s words are a beautiful reminder of the treasure we have in the Blessed Sacrament. Let us approach the altar with grateful hearts, trusting that in the Eucharist, we have everything we need to become holy.