There are times on our spiritual journey when God whispers to us in the beauty of nature, or in a soft music melody, seeking the heart to open, to see and feel His presence. As we open our hearts, He is there, waiting, to ricochet His compassionate love of creation, as our journey continues.
In August of 1978 our family trip was to Niagara Falls in the state of New York and the border of Ontario, Canada. Arriving at Niagara Falls we learned that the Niagara Falls water supply is from the Niagara River flowing from Lake Erie into Lake Ontario, and has the highest flow rate of any waterfall in the world.
There is a tour boat called “The Maid Of The Mist” which will take you out to view the bottom of the falls. My family and I took this tour and had to put on raincoats with hoods, and also sandals for our feet, because the mist from the falling water will saturate you from head to toe.
The diesel powered boat motored us from the Rainbow Bridge and past the American and Bridal Falls and then to the Horseshoe Falls. We were standing on the deck of the boat when a heavy mist of water began raining over us as we entered into the curve of the Horseshoe Falls. A cascade of roaring water from above, propelled downward crashing on the rocks below. I just stood there in awe as I looked upward at the waterfall 167 feet high. The power. So Majestic. Overwhelming. I began whispering; Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. This unbelievable sight of God’s beauty, radiated into my soul. These moments were so surreal. I felt God was so close, so near, as this mist of water, like an anointing, washed over me. My heart was pounding like the roar of water, captivated by the power of God’s embrace. The crashing water flowing over the rim from the top, created a colorful rainbow, an aura of God’s presence. I had the feeling of being so small, and God’s power, so mighty; of being swallowed-up in this thrusting mist of water.
I kept thinking of Moses parting of The Red Sea. I can not imagine what the Israelites thought, looking straight up at walls of water. To have faith, to cross a path, cut through the sea, from shore to shore.
Exodus 14: 21-22
And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.
And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left.
And so here at Niagara Falls on a boat in a mist of falling water, it was like a dream, trying to comprehend the vastness of what I was seeing. As our boat started to return to shore, I was still enthralled in this spectator experience, as the whispers in the water, echoed in my mind. In these moments, I reached out, and God was there. In the evening we returned to view the falls at night, when powerful colored lights illuminate the falling water. This colorful display further highlighted God’s masterful work of creation.
And then again, in 1991, at another place, the whispers in the water penetrated into my soul.
It was on a trip my wife and I took with two of our neighbors to Yosemite National Park, located in the Sierra Nevada of California. From the lodge where we were staying, we took a short walk over to Yosemite Falls. This waterfall is 2,425 feet from the upper fall to the base of the lower fall. It’s water is from the Yosemite Creek and consists of three falls, Upper Yosemite at 1,430 feet, Middle Cascades at 675 feet, and Lower Yosemite Fall at 320 feet, then flows into the Merced River.
As we stood at the base of Yosemite Falls with our raincoats on, the mist of spray washed over us. Looking upward as far as I could see, this magnificent beauty of nature, it’s water, was like falling from heaven. The sunlight glistened off the falling water, and sparkled with a brilliant illumination. It was breathtaking. Whispers. Whispers in the water as God’s presence christened us with this mist of grace.
And so, I carry these special memories within me, times when I was touched by spiritual moments by the beauty, that God has given to us, by the beauty of His heart. Truly, the whispers in the water is within my compassionate reservoir. I am in deep gratitude of this inner glow of our Lord’s presence, creating tranquility and peace. What I have shown to you here, is who I really am, my heart exposed. My writings, God’s gift. For it is with love that I share them with you, and without love, we are nothing. It is God’s whispers, when His love floats down, resting on me, soft and delicate, like a butterfly. And with the tears of our Lord, falling upon us, and whispering, I love you, I will always love you.
Robert J Varrick