Hi, it's Me God: Is That You Calling in the Night?
Rather at Mass, or saying the Rosary—or just going about daily life—we walk and talk with God, the Blessed Mother, all the saints and angels and the poor souls in purgatory too. In the Presence of Love and Eternal Light ---we are in the Presence of all these Beings who love to spend time with us.
As I walk through my day though—sometimes I am not aware of their Presence of hear them speaking to my heart. Praying the Rosary this morning, I was reflecting on the Annunciation, God speaking to Mary and her reply. “How is this possible? I do not know man.” It was then that I was reminded of my own thoughts to God when He asks, “Will you love as I have loved you and bring Jesus into this person’s life---even if they are ugly to you today?” My reply all too often is “How is this possible you know how HUMAN I am and I know all too well this man?”
And so it is that once again through meditation on the Rosary Scriptures, I walked and talked with Mary and Jesus today. As the conversation went further, my thoughts wondered about why we are not hearing their voices. The reply or answer---“For you listen to too many other voices that block your heart from hearing Mine.”
Oh yes we do---the media, the phone calls or rather texting now, the co-workers or families voices, the bosses, the people on our paths in the stores or the streets---we hear their voices. We also long to hear their voices hoping to hear confirmation, praise, and ‘likes’ from them that reaffirms in our hearts ----we are OKAY. Wrong place to go for that confirmation!! For, we also hear those voices saying we are not OKAY, something is WRONG with you--- which leads us away from the Voices we need to be hearing the most. Within our spirits the strong negative beliefs of who we are—put there over the years by many who had a strong influence in our lives---keeps us from knowing, believing WHO WE REALLY ARE! Therefore we feel distant, unworthy, even fearful of hearing the Voice of accepting love that says—“Child You are Mine!”
You may feel deeply inside—I am not a good enough person to be a saint who walks and talks with God. I would say to you---“oh, my child you are INDEED GOOD ENOUGH!” For just as you are, as human as you are and weak as you are---GOD LOVES YOU AND WANTS TO WALK AND TALK WITH YOU!
So, let us tune out the other voices, turn OFF the other voices, and listen only to the voices that speak to us Wisdom, Love, Understanding, Knowledge and Discernment as we walk and talk with His Holy Spirit daily. The Feast of Pentecost is upon us---please do not leave—your upper room---until you have received all that the Holy Spirit wants to give you and you want to receive.
“If today you hear His Voice, harden not your hearts” with doubts, fears, anxieties, and especially by listening to all those other human voices within. Instead, draw away to say “Howdy God—it is good to be with You today!”
Think I will go check my B-Mail and see if God “LIKES” me today. Oh look, Scripture says---HE “LOVES” me today. “Happy Face reply back at You God”