The Born and Unborn
Is sin, blasphemy, sacrilege, lukewarm faith and indifference, all very prevalent in today’s world, in our societies and in our hearts?
We attend Mass on Sunday out of obligation and “go through the motions”. We receive the Eucharist with a heart not pure and in a “state of Grace”, free from mortal sin. We decide which teachings of the Church will be believed and practiced, disregarding the Authority handed down to the Church through her apostles and Christ himself. We use the Lord or Savior’s name as a blasphemy, to express outrage frustration, and anger.
In the name of “Love” we are tolerant and accepting of sin, even grave sin, because we don’t want to admit that our friends and loved ones are falling into an abyss of darkness and evil. We find it easier to decide and proclaim that the Church and her teaching are the wrong one. We think this will somehow relieve us of any guilt and punishment from sin and disobedience. How can a loving God send anyone to Hell, after all? It really is amazing what we, or rather what Satan, can convince us of, isn’t it? He has convinced many of us that he doesn’t even exist, and neither does Hell. It is much easier to remain in the darkness, go with the flow, and to not make any waves, than it is to step out into the light, where the brightness may hurt our eyes and expose us and the Truth, which will be unpopular, and not trendy or relevant.
The Truth can be difficult to hear. In our desire to be kind and compassionate we must not hold back on Truth. Saving souls is the truly compassionate and merciful act. We cannot tolerate and allow heresy, sacrilege, disobedience, and sin to rule in the name of peace and tranquility. Love should not let another loose his way. Love is difficult, it means standing with God, and not the things of this World, it has an Earthly cost. We must take our stand, because we can change the World if we do.
Paul explains the necessity of proclaiming Truth and not associating with heresy and the one who proclaim false teachings and tolerance in his letter to the Thessalonians (2 Thessalonians):
‘If anyone refuses to obey what is in this letter, notice who he is and stay away from him so that he may be ashamed of himself. Don’t think of him as an enemy, but speak to him as you would a brother who needs to be warned” 2 Thessalonians 14-16
I think he speaks in a spiritual sense when he speak of staying away from them, we must separate ourselves from the evils that will so easily draw us toward darkness. It is easy to be swayed toward the worldly. We must set ourselves apart from the the things of this life and always be focused on the life to come, the eternal one.
This is the Love of the Gospels, the Gospels we are commissioned to proclaim to all the Earth! Jesus never said that it would be easy or popular, but it is what we are commanded and expended to do, at any cost. No cost here on Earth is too expensive and not worthy of spending on the treasures of Heaven.