The People God Sends Us We are Uniquely Fit to Serve
Do you fear and dread loneliness? For most of my life, loneliness has been something that I’ve feared and avoided. Despite trying to prevent loneliness, it has made its way into my life several times.
Why do we fear loneliness and being alone? In our relational and busy world, silence and being alone with ourselves can be terribly uncomfortable and painful.
Yet in loneliness, God opens our life up for a new level of relationship, trust, and prayer with Him. God wants nothing more than to remove everything that gets in the way of Him filling us up with His love and peace. Sometimes, this means letting go of someone or something we hold close to be filled with new life and bear greater fruit.
"Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." John 12:24
What people and relationships are you dependent on that God is trying to remove from your life or limit contact with to make space for Him? What time is God trying to free up for a stronger relationship with Him? What needs to die for your faith and relationship with the Lord to grow?
If you’re struggling with loneliness, instead of finding ways to distract yourself, embrace it. Sit with God for awhile. Listen to His voice. Read a passage from scripture or a spiritual book. Meditate. Consider praying the rosary or use a devotional. While praying and sitting with God, contemplate: What is your heart telling you? What words and ideas come to your mind? How did God move you?
In loneliness, learn to recognize that God’s presence is always with you. He’s the Beloved that never strays, the Father that embraces, and the Divine Companion that does not disappoint. Let Him fill the emptiness you feel, and He will.