We Are Made For The Infinite!
May 18, 2013
It’s all about Jesus! That’s the answer I gave to my former professor, Price Allen now email friend, when he expressed concerns about my brother Ron moving from one religion, Jehovah Witness to another religion, the Catholic Church. My friend questioned me. Where does Christ fit in? It’s all about Jesus, I told him. When I first shared my good news that Ron had come back to the Church, I also told Price that Ron was anxious to go to Confession so he could receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. I reminded my friend of this when I replied to him saying, “Did you miss this?” It’s all about Jesus! Ron rediscovered Jesus in his roots, the Catholic Church. My former professor friend thanked me for the clarification.
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.” John 6:51
May 19, 2013
It’s not insignificant that my brother Ron returned to the Catholic Church the day before Pentecost Sunday. This is not just the memorial celebration of the day Jesus sent the Paraclete to the Apostles and officially established his Church. Although it’s right and good to remember and celebrate this day we must remember that the Holy Spirit is ever present and active in our lives but I believe even more so on this day and the days leading up to Pentecost.
The Holy Spirit has been washing me more frequently in a wave of peace and joy this past week, coming to me out of nowhere, placing the soft whisper of Jesus on my lips, bringing tears to my eyes.
This morning I woke up early before the others and walked down to the creek. I stood on the small footbridge listening to the rushing water while saying the rosary. So gently the Holy Spirit overtook me giving me such joy. I wanted to stay in that moment forever. It was a moment of glorious perfection. I remember excitedly praising my sweet Jesus, trying to think of more and more praises, the rosary forgotten as I kept telling my Jesus how much I loved him. The Holy Spirit told me to be still, to just revel in the sacred blissful presence of God. Being alone this early morning, I was able to let go completely. Other times when the Holy Spirit comes to me I’m aware of people around such as while grocery shopping. All I can do is pause, close my eyes and maybe place my hand on my heart. I come back to myself much sooner than I’d like.
Addendum: I’m happy to say that my brother will celebrate his 4th Pentecost Sunday since returning to his heritage of faith, the Catholic Church. He’s had some rough spots, doubts, family problems, and more since coming back to the Church. We have had many discussions on the spiritual life and much discussion on Holy Scripture. His faith is strong. “Thank You, My Sweet Jesus Divine, for giving Ron the grace to come home.”
"Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31