Price of Discipleship
ONLY 1/3 Believe
This past July, Catholics across America made a pilgrimage to Indianapolis to celebrate the tenth National Eucharistic Congress. It was an impressive week watching pilgrims walk countless miles carrying our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, singing hymns and offering prayers. The magnitude of these processions and worship was meant to reignite our belief and love for Jesus in the Eucharist.
But for an individual to begin this revival a practical action plan needs to be designed. Changes in devotions and church décor collapsed after Vatican II when changes to the environment and the celebration of the Liturgy that alienated many Catholics. I’d suggest some corrections thatcan be made in personal habits.
When we visit a friend’s home, we expect to be greeted at the door versus walking through the house looking for the homeowner. When entering the Lord’s House, we shouldn’t have to wonder where the Master of the house is. His Tabernacle belongs front and center with the red light nearby indicating that He is at home and has left the light on for you! If not there then inquire of the Pastor, the reason for hiding Jesus. The genuflection is an ancient ritual of prostrating ourselves humbly before our King. It should be done facing the altar, putting the right knee to the floor (unless one is physically unable to do so). A reverent sign of the cross is included, and the words are a prayer to the Trinity,
Another step in our renewal is the manner in which we approach and receive Holy Communion. Approaching the altar at communion time reverence and recollection should be visible in our demeanor, eyes down and hands clasped. It is a time of prayer, not waving at friends or pats on the back. Consider that you are about to consume the Body and Blood of God Himself! This is mind boggling! The preferred way to receive is on the tongue while kneeling. (I miss the altar rail). Fewer crumbs from the host fall to the floor this way. But permission has been granted to receive Him on the hand. One hand should rest on the other, open and flat like a plate, then pick up the host with the other hand and immediately consume the host before stepping away. Otherwise, the priest might think you’re a satanist stealing a host for a black mass! I once heard a priest say he has caught people sharing the host with others in the pew and even giving half to their dog! This leaves crumbs on the floor as well.
In most social situations we dress for the occasion. Church attire needs to show our highest standard of respect to the Lord and to parishioners. Never should it be an occasion of sin for those who see us. Canon law says that clothes should be modest. That is, no bare shoulders or back and no display of cleavage. Leggings and shorts are for recreation or yoga not church. Tight clothes display every muscle movement and leave little to the imagination. Ask any man! Men too should dress well. Many look like they are on their way to a sports event, not Mass. Suit and tie would be best, if you have one or at least dress slacks and a polo shirt.
In our hectic world we are bombarded with noise, some pleasant, some not so much. The best place to escape noise is in a church. Once we enter, all talking should cease until Mass is over. This is our time to have a personal conversation with God. He is our priority over anyone else present. Tell Him about your week, your worries and fears. Ask His blessing on those you are concerned for. For some people silence is a vacuum they want to fill with talk but with practice it becomes an oasis for a love exchange.
Make a commitment to Adoration. It’s a personal appointment with Jersus without any liturgical rituals to attend to. Bow down on both knees in holy prostration before the one who made you. Going to adoration is like a mini pilgrimage to spend time with the one who loves you more than anyone ever could.
Lastly a significant element in this action plan to revive faith in the Lord’s presence in the Eucharist is going to confession regularly. Once a month is minimal. If communion is received with unconfessed mortal sin, another mortal sin of blasphemy is added until it has been forgiven.
Everyone sins. The most frequent one heard many times a day is using the Lord’s name in vain. This too is blasphemy. It’s serious. Venial sins are rampant and require time in reflection on what we have done and what we have failed to do, Bedtime is a good time to do this spiritual exercise.
If every adopts this plan, we will bear witness to what we believe and help others to increase their faith through our witness. In conclusion, receive Communion reverently, practice holy silence and prayer before Mass, confess regularly, and dress your best and be modest in appearance. You will be transformed spiritually and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist will be revived in yourself and others.