It's like y'all don't trust God
Today, as I am writing this, it is the 11th of September, 2001. I was 13 years old during the 9/11 attacks. I thought the world knew what terror was after that. Yet, I see people continually defend the country that killed this young woman. Greeting for Canadian Benefactors from Daria Bazylevych , say her name. (Watch this video, and then tell me, to my face, how Putin is a "good Christian")
Her whole family was killed (except her father, Yaroslav, who, as of this writing, remains in intensive care. Targeting civilians (besides being a war crime), IS terrorism.
(In Ukraine, a city grieves for a family killed in a deadly Russia missile attack)
Before we get started, I would like for you to check out my latest episode on Locals, since it directly correlates how it is next to impossible to get information out there about this on allegedly "free speech" websites". Alt Tech Censorship is real
But, this brings about another question, one I’m sure you’ve heard. Why does God allow evil to happen? Okay, why does God allow good to happen? I always thought this was a very shallow argument against God’s existence. But why DOES God allow evil to happen? Because God gave us freewill.
I cannot (and do not) believe in the Calvinist God who doesn’t give us a choice. I do not believe humans are robots. (Also, what’s with this weird atheist rejection of freewill? On what grounds would an atheist have to deny freewill? If God doesn’t exist, then how do you choose not to believe in him)?
For the record, it’s not just Ukraine I’m worried about, but, here’s the thing, I don’t see alleged “Christians” and “Conservatives” defend Islamic and Socialist persecutions and killings in Nigeria and North Korea. I DO see them doing it with Russians killing civilians.
Russia started this war. Putin has freewill. Kirill (KGB agent that he is, KGB agent: Patriarch Kirill) has freewill.
Of course, what some people do with that freewill, may not correspond to something morally good.
I have a friend of mine, who was killed by two men. His body was found in the woods by hunters. (I am having a hard time finding articles about it, because he had a common name, including the same and first last name of a murderer, that hampers results).
But, no one made those men kill him. They chose to do that. They used their freewill.
(and, since I’ve already written about freewill; Denial of freewill is denial of reality)
The Bible mentions having a choice.
“And if you be unwilling to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Am’orites in whose land you dwell; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15)
“You stiff necked-people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you”. (Acts 7:51)
“If it is to be life in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose, I cannot tell”.
(Philippians 1:22).
The Bible says we have a choice. And some people choose evil.
*All versions from the Revised Standard Version Bible, Ignatius Edition, Copyright 2006, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America.
Adam Charles Hovey is the founder of the Catholicism, news, and whatever community on Locals, and has the weekly Bible Study, Coffee and Christianity