Forgive Yourself.
Our help is In The name of The Lord Jesus Christ who made Heaven and Earth.
Our world is diminishing. Our Lord is sad because He keeps trying to tell us something and we are not listening. How long is His patience with us? How long will His mighty hand be held down by the soft touch of His Mother Mary to spare us from the wrath we deserve turning the deaf ear to His powerful warnings?
Our measure of time is not like His. Our thoughts and doings have become obscure to His teachings. We take for granted that the time we spend neglecting His rules will be extended.
God's world is His not ours. In His fatherly love He gave us a great treasure to tend to and feed in goodness and love and we keep feeding it with self and greed. The innocent are getting slaughtered. The land is not watered and cared for with desire to please Him with extent to preserve it with gratitude. The abuse of His Holy gifts are ignored with selfishness and ego as if we dare to think that it is us who preserve and control what happens.
This is God's world. We are only servants of His whom He created. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, are warnings to us at the air and atmosphere are being polluted with hate and neglect and are all being seen by the mighty eye of God who created all things. Government and politics in the name of the people are being forgotten. We do not pray the way we should. Everything our eyes and ears hear and see will be judged as to our response of how we love and care for each other and all that is in this world that He created.
Our future is dependent on our obedience to the Almighty and He is getting weary of trying to let us do this in our own.way. He is waiting for our surrender to Him and we truly can attain this, I believe, through penance and true contrition and true surrender to Him. He is our Papa and we are His children. One God, one Ruler, one King. Must we continue to keep acting in ignorance to this? Just as we tend to a garden that we plant, we must water and sow for our existence. Let us water and sow God's world with love and obedience and the fruits of His love for us will become evident for us to see and be content that we are being good children to Him. In Thanksgiving and Gratitude for this great gift called "God's world",