THE CHAPEL VEIL: Antiquated Practice or Holy Discipline?
The Catholic world is buzzing after a video of Pope Francis assuring a group of people in a variety of false religions that their faith in said religions will lead them to God.
I don't know why we are reacting so. The Pope's statement is merely a reiteration (albeit, on steroids) of the Vatican II document, "Nostra Aetate." This document opened a Pandora's Box of acknowledging to some degree all other religions as legitimate expressions of faith.
For the Pope to expand that line of thinking to now say Catholicism is no better than their faith is out of sync with the very basis of the Church Christ established. This is unthinkable and we all should be fearful to even think, let alone utter, such blasphemy.
In John 14:6 Jesus makes clear the only path to the Father. He says, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." No wiggle room.
Then we read in Acts 4:12 that "Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved." What kind of interpretation would be necessary to qualify this verse?
Then we can look to a previous Pope on this subject. Pope Pius IX listed condemnation on some heretical thought during his time. Here are those condemned beliefs:
Man may, in the observance of any religion whatsoever, find the way of eternal salvation, and arrive at eternal salvation.
Good hope at least is to be entertained of the eternal salvation of all those who are not at all in the true Church of Christ.
In light of all this, a discerning Catholic should wonder how a pope could make statements that contradict Truth, and in essence deny Christ and His teachings. According to Pope Pius IX, such belief is condemned. Some might equate those thoughts with heresy.
If in fact it can be considered a heretical statement, what type of heresy? Did the Pope simply grow up amid poor teaching, and thus is a victim of poor catechesis? If so, a Cardinal should teach him as the Spiritual Act of Mercy commands.
Then he could have opportunity to repent of this error.
Or (and it gives me no pleasure to contemplate this) is the Pope fully aware of his straying from Truth?
The saddest fallout from this moment with members of false religions is a form of co-dependency on his part. By leading them to erroneously believe they can find God by believing and worshipping in error, he paves for them a direct road to hell.
Jesus said to go out into the world [i.e., to those in the darkness of error] and preach the Good News [i.e., He is the only path to God], baptizing them in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost [i.e., Trinitarian baptism...the only baptism that initiates into the One True Faith.]
Where was any of this in the meeting Pope Francis had with the pagan religions of the world?
In understanding the seriousness of this tragic error, we also must come to terms with the fact that we are not in a position to fix it. Only the Princes of the Church...other bishops and Cardinals...have that ability. The only recourse we have is to pray. Let me close with directed prayer suggestions:
1. Pray that there will be a magisterial intervention to correct this error on the Pope's part.
2. Pray that those in false religions will have an encounter with the Truth of Jesus and turn from their ways.
3. Pray for Pope Francis' conversion.
4. Ask St. Peter to pray for the Church he was commissioned to lead...that Francis will become a true shepherd, as he was.
5. Ask the Holy Spirit to intervene.
May Christ have Mercy.